Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Antibiotics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Antibiotics - Essay Example In response to the bacterium’s ability to mutate, scientists developed large numbers of different antibiotics, including semisynthetic variants of penicillin such as methicillin, in an attempt to keep ahead of the bacterium’s ability to develop resistance. In the 1950s some cases emerged in which the bacterium was resistant to even this antibiotic, giving rise to the name â€Å"Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus† or MRSA. One recent study found that a small number of Staphylococcus aureus genotypes have evolved out of epidemic strains of MRSA, and this explains why MRSA is now endemic in many hospitals and care homes (Enright et al., 2002). The consequence for human health is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to counter this bacterial infection in precisely these contexts. The pharmaceutical industry has very few effective antibiotics left which can deal with MRSA and the proposed strategy to deal with its advance is to improve hospital and care home cleanliness and to keep researching new antibiotic formulae. This will undoubtedly be successful in the short term, but it is difficult to know how long scientists can keep this up, given the ability of the bacterium to evolve

Monday, October 28, 2019

No Child Left Behind Essay Example for Free

No Child Left Behind Essay The education policy that I chose is on education today and the influence of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. In 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act. The NCBL is a United States Act of Congress, which includes Title 1 (program for disadvantaged students offered by the government). This Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. Each state is required to give these assessments to all students to receive federal school funding. This Act does not set the standards nationwide; each individual state sets the standards. Diane Ravitch, an education philosopher was a supporter of this Act when it was being passed. She believed that every child had the right to a proper education. As the years passed she acquired more experience and knowledge on the Act, and is now completely opposed to the NCLB Act. Ravitch believes that the states dumb down the standards in light of the NCLB. The question now is: is the No Child Left Behind Act seeking to repair the problem, or is it the cause? Under NCLB, the accountability of a childs education is examined by the Federal government and turned into the hands of the state. This was the first time an American president has set a goal of universal proficiency in reading and mathematics for all children. The federal emphasis on literacy, reading, and mathematics emphasizes teacher and school accountability, with negative consequences when schools do not meet established improvement goals (U.S. Department of Education, 2002). Under NCLB the state must have accountability provisions that include how they will close the achievement gap. According to the Department of Education the achievement gap is defined as such; The difference between how well low-income and minority children perform on standardized tests as compared with their peers. For many years, low-income and minority children have fallen behind their white peers in terms of academic achievement (Department of Education, 2002). States must also monitor that every student not excluding the disadvantaged achieve academic proficiency. Yearly assessments must be produced to inform parents of the progress of both the state and the  community. Schools that do not meet the academic proficiency standards must offer supplemental services and take corrective action. If within five years the school is still not making yearly progress, than dramatic changes in the schools academic direction must be made. Dramatic changes according to the Department of Education are defined as follows; †¦additional changes to ensure improvement. The definition raises the question of whether there is a plan for failure at all. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, in its National Report Card shows that these goals may be falling short. Students in fourth grade show temporary improvement in math right after No Child Left Behind became a law, but returned to pre-reform growth rate. The NAEP estimates that by 2014 less than 25% of financially challenged and African American students will achieve NAEP proficiency in reading. Using the same time frame less than half the financially challenged and African American students will obtain proficiency in math. With so much pressure on the states to perform well, a trend is becoming apparent that they are inflating proficiency levels of students. This causes discrepancies between the NAEP and state assessments especially among the financially challenged, African American, and Hispanic students. With no sufficient evidence shown on that NCLB is working, the question is as follows; is the federal government capable of running our school systems? There are undoubtedly dangers in the public school system teaching a federally mandated curriculum. When one controls peoples perception of history, one controls the present. There is, of course, a point to be made that if the nations children are kept in watered down public schools, positions of power will be opened to the children of the aristocracy, who without fail, are being sent to private schools. So many of those Politicians who stand in the way of allowing poor children to escape failing schools, send their own children to private schools (sic). In New York City, where I have spent most of my professional life, both the current and the past chancellor of schools sent their children to private schools. Six of the seven members of the now-defunct Board of Education had  also sent their children to private schools at one time or another. One might add to the list other notables in New York-the governor, the mayor, the leaders of both houses of the legislature, and the junior U.S. senator (and former first lady). In fact, I cannot remember a mayor of the city who sent his children to public school (Viteritti, 2003). The reports of success of NCLB are encouraging to those who support the project. There have been schools in Sterling, Virginia and New York City that have received No Child Left Behind blue ribbons for their success in closing the achievement gap. Other schools have earned national praise for instituting such curriculum as Fit for the Future, a standards-based health and fitness curriculum for grades 1-10; and an anti-bullying intervention program in York, Pennsylvania (Department of Education, 2005). These programs are used to show the benefits of NCLB but are they academic necessities? The curriculum in a kindergarten class in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin included a lesson entitled The Little Convincer. In which a state trooper came into the classroom with a mechanism designed to simulate a car accident. In a discussion about car seat laws, a topic critics of the curriculum call too heady for kindergarteners, the students, ages five to six years old, were asked repeatedly which one of them were actively using car seats, and whether their parents wore seat belts as well. One child who innocently told the officer that his daddy did not wear his seatbelt was told by the trooper that his daddy could go through the windshield and the glass would cut his face and arms like ribbons, and once he hit the road, the car would roll on top of him. The dramatic lesson ended with each of the students taking a turn in the mechanism that simulated the car crash. The officer would speak softly to the child asking them questions about their class or the clothes that they were wearing and when the child began to speak would jerk them forward violently to teach them that an accident could happen at anytime. The question is, are these academic lessons that parents assume that their children are attending school for? Is placing the curriculum in the hands of legislators going to further our childrens grasp of the three Rs as most parents hope, or are they going to be taught how to become complacent law abiding citizens? The problem in purposing that the public school system is flawed beyond repair is offering an alternative that people are comfortable with. When a conversation about privatizing the school system begins many questions must be answered to abate the fears of the public. Would privatizing schools be affordable to all families? Many debates have waged on the validity of a voucher program, allowing families to choose any school they desire whether it is parochial, private, public, or chartered. Without public schools, there are no taxes necessary to support the program, and that money can be returned to the families of school aged children, creating extra funds for private education. In a system of free market education the individual and specialized institutions of learning would have to compete for students, because the money would be linked to the students themselves. Never in the history of the free market have advances been made without competition. When the monopoly on our childrens future ends, a true marketplace of ideas will be born. In an interview with US News, Ravitch was asked What needs to happen to make the law more effective for school? she responded I think the main thing to change is . . . to get rid of the remedies and the sanctions because the remedies dont work and the sanctions dont work. What No Child Left Behind has given the United States is an atmosphere of punitiveness. The word accountability has come to be a synonym for punish. If students dont learn, its the teachers fault. Fire the teachers. Close the schools. Were now on a wrecking mission to destroy American public education. Ravitch has completely rejected this Act, and believes we should do something to make our education system stronger. I questioned? Is the No Child Left Behind Act seeking to repair the problem, or is it the cause? I now have the answer. The NCLB Act sounded very tempting as it was passed by congress, and many like Diane Ravitch had hopes in such a great project for our education system, but everything is not perfect. The NCBL offers great support to schools, although standardized testing is not the correct way of determining the amount of financial support each school deserves or requires. After long hours of research I believe that the No Child Left Behind Act has taken a part in the cause of our problem in our education system today. Schools will not improve if the value is set only on what is tested. The tests we have now provide useful information about students progress in reading and mathematics, but they cannot measure what matters most in education. (Ravitch. The Death and Life of The Great American School System, pg. 226) In order to improve our public school system we must start by focusing on our schools, offering them an authentic and sincere education that encourages our students to learn.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, John Steinbeck

â€Å"One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings† ( This quote by Franklin Thomas is a great example of marginalization and mistreatment in the past, both issues that were made very evident in the books that were read during the summer. Throughout A Lesson Before Dying, Burned Alive, and Of Mice and Men, marginalization and maltreatment were immanent. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, some of the characters experience several examples of both mistreatment and marginalization. Throughout the book Curley’s wife is mistreated due to her female gender. The farm hands were always calling her a ‘tramp’ and George once said, â€Å"I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her† (Steinbeck, 32). When George says this, he is warning Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife because he thinks that she is very effective at deceiving men to get what she wants. Lennie was also mistreated throughout the book, though not because of his gender but due to the fact that he was developmentally delayed. He was even neglected by his own friend, George, who would constantly be thinking of a life without Lennie. George continuously blamed Lennie for causing him to lose his jobs and having to move all around the country (Steinbeck, 11). Unlike Lennie, Crooks was discriminated against considering his race and color. One example from the book would be: â€Å"Where the hell is that God damn nigger† (Steinbeck, 29)? Just like in this example, throughout the book Curley would refer to Crooks as a ‘nigger’,... ...k had many ideal examples of various types of marginalization and mistreatment including those about gender, race, and the Handicapped. Where Of Mice and Men had diverse examples of maltreatment, Burned Alive by Souad was based on just one case of maltreatment: the mistreatment of women in a Middle-Eastern society. The marginalization and exploitation of African-Americans was also made very apparent in the novel A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines through the treatment of Jefferson and his community. Many people throughout history have hoped for a better future free of marginalization and mistreatment, and one of those people was Martin Luther King Jr. He once said, â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character† ( Of Mice and Men Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, John Steinbeck â€Å"One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings† ( This quote by Franklin Thomas is a great example of marginalization and mistreatment in the past, both issues that were made very evident in the books that were read during the summer. Throughout A Lesson Before Dying, Burned Alive, and Of Mice and Men, marginalization and maltreatment were immanent. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, some of the characters experience several examples of both mistreatment and marginalization. Throughout the book Curley’s wife is mistreated due to her female gender. The farm hands were always calling her a ‘tramp’ and George once said, â€Å"I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her† (Steinbeck, 32). When George says this, he is warning Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife because he thinks that she is very effective at deceiving men to get what she wants. Lennie was also mistreated throughout the book, though not because of his gender but due to the fact that he was developmentally delayed. He was even neglected by his own friend, George, who would constantly be thinking of a life without Lennie. George continuously blamed Lennie for causing him to lose his jobs and having to move all around the country (Steinbeck, 11). Unlike Lennie, Crooks was discriminated against considering his race and color. One example from the book would be: â€Å"Where the hell is that God damn nigger† (Steinbeck, 29)? Just like in this example, throughout the book Curley would refer to Crooks as a ‘nigger’,... ...k had many ideal examples of various types of marginalization and mistreatment including those about gender, race, and the Handicapped. Where Of Mice and Men had diverse examples of maltreatment, Burned Alive by Souad was based on just one case of maltreatment: the mistreatment of women in a Middle-Eastern society. The marginalization and exploitation of African-Americans was also made very apparent in the novel A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines through the treatment of Jefferson and his community. Many people throughout history have hoped for a better future free of marginalization and mistreatment, and one of those people was Martin Luther King Jr. He once said, â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character† (

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sony Playstation Being Hacked

On April 27 the world was shocked to find out that the Germans hacked one of the biggest companies in the world. Sony Play station has been around for many of years, they have grown to be a big accomplishment to the world. The Sony Company has television, video games, and online access. The only company I really grew up using was being hacked, and had to shut the whole system down. The gamers aren’t the only ones in trouble from being hacked, but if you bought anything from Sony such as a television, or a game on the internet the hackers may have your credit card number. The reason why this article interested me, because you would never think in a million years that this would happen to a big company that everyone uses. Hackers would have your personal information that you should only know. One thing that stands out the most is that they have to shut down the whole system, so by you having a Playstation 3 your internet is down. That means no Netflix, downloading, or anything right now that has to do with the system. The United States is a big thing on technology, that’s what we rely on to get use through our everyday life. This is a big economical and social problem for the users of Sony. They have hacked more than 77 million user’s information, which mean that by them doing that they have messed up a lot of people trust with the company. The new users wouldn’t trust the company, and probably go to a company that they will feel that their personal information will be in safe hands. The Company will not be making money, because they had to shut the whole system down. That’s mean no buying movies, downloading games, etc, and that where the big money comes from.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Waste minimising and recycle in construction

Introduction:The building industry has a major impact on the environment, both in footings of the resources it consumes and the waste it produces. The building industry is responsible for bring forthing a whole assortment of different wastes, the sum and type of which depends on factors such as the phase of building, type of building work and patterns on site. The building industry generates a big sum of waste every twelvemonth. As building professionals we should follow a hierarchal attack to blow direction by taking chiefly to cut down the sum of waste produced so purpose to recycle and recycle any waste that is produced. Whilst the tendency is to reject the traditional methods of waste disposal in favor of sustainable waste schemes, the bulk of the building industry has placed waste decrease at the underside of research dockets because of complexnesss over reuse and recycling. Construction waste has a important impact on the environment and more accent must be put on cut downing waste production and increasing recycling and reuse.Wasteâ€Å" Sustainable waste direction means utilizing material resources expeditiously ; to cut down on the sum of waste we produce, and where waste is produced, covering with it in a manner that actively contributes to the economic, societal and environmental ends of sustainable development. † [ 1 ]Be ginnings OF WASTECLIENT ROLE:The client plays an of import function in the decrease of waste. This is for a ground that when the client changes his demands at a phase when building has already began, the stuffs which are already being used would be wasted as they no longer will be used in the new design.IMPORTANCE OF SKILLED LABOUR:The usage of skilled labors means that good techniques will be used and hopefully fewer errors will happen during the building stage. A error could take to the demand for replacing of stuffs. Thereby increasing the sum of waste generated.LOGISTICS OF MATERIALS:The logistics of stuffs to the site can besides play a portion in cut downing the waste ; this is for a figure of grounds. Packaging of stuff will make waste. Therefore, if a method is generated to cut down the sum of packaging so the waste will be reduced.AFFECTS OF TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS:Waste will besides be generated due to the transit of the merchandise. While transporting, goods can be da maged due to the vehicular motions if proper attention is non taken and therefore acquire wasted. Delivering goods in big measures could bring forth jobs at the site as more storage may be required which may necessitate impermanent constructions or heating to maintain the merchandises in the right conditions, this adding to the sum of waste generated.Fabrication Defect:During fabrication, the maker produces merely a specific size, but the client may necessitate a somewhat different size, therefore the stuff is trimmed down on site. This creates a big sum of wastage. Besides a hapless maker may bring forth a figure of low quality merchandises that ca n't be used.SITE Managements:Site direction could besides be a factor that courses waste. Time direction and storage of stuff on site could class waste if the site direction is non every bit good as it should be. If stuffs are non used within a limited clip period or if when they are non stored decently, its belongingss might alter and t herefore may non be suited for the undertaking. An illustration of this is if concrete arrives on site and is forced to wait for the site to be ready, so the concrete might get down to put and therefore ca n't be used.TYPES OF WASTEThere are two chief types of waste in the building industry, this include solid waste ( which may be recycled or taken to landfill ) or gasses waste which may be a pollutant. Gaseous waste will be generated from a figure of different beginnings. In the building procedure a big sum of works and heavy machinery will be used. Most of this machinery will be driven by Diesel engines which will bring forth exhaust gases, these gases will be a waste merchandise generated in the contraction procedure. Waste gasses can besides indirectly be generated due to the building industry, gasses may be produced in the fiction and fabrication of different merchandises that are used. Solid waste can besides be split into subdivisions, waste that can be recycled or re-used and waste which will be put into landfill. There are a big figure of different waste merchandises that could be generated from the building industries such as, lumber, metals, concrete and more serious waste, which may be harder to recycle and recycle. These wastes include plastics, plaster boards and asbestos.How much Waste does the Construction Industry Produce?Construction and destruction ( C & A ; D ) waste includes brick, concrete, hardcore, undersoil and surface soil, but it can besides incorporate measures of lumber, metal, plastics and on occasion particular ( risky ) waste stuffs. Wastes occur from the building, fix, care and destruction of edifices and constructions. The Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) have reported that an estimated 72.5 million metric tons of building and destruction waste are produced yearly. This is about 17.5 % of the entire waste produced in the U.K. Furthermore, 13 million metric tons of building stuffs are delivered to sites in the U.K. and thrown off fresh every twelvemonth. This is non sustainable. [ 3 ]Effects OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE ON THE ENVIRONMENTThe two chief types of waste generated by the building industry are solid wastes and gaseous wastes. Liquid wastes may besides be generated during building procedures, such as cleansing, but the consequence of such wastes is minimum and by and large local to a peculiar site. Gaseous waste is a sub-product from the usage of machinery in the building procedure, transit of stuffs and from the production of building stuffs. This type of waste is emitted to the air and has built-in effects on air quality. Solid waste can be generated from des truction and digging or may be fresh stuff from the building procedure. Some solid waste may be recycled or reused nevertheless the bulk is put into landfill sites, because of this the overarching mark of the UK authorities ‘s scheme for sustainable building is to cut down the sum of building waste to landfill by 50 % by 20121. Solid waste hence adopts the associated effects on the environment that landfill has. Of the solid waste that is put into landfill the bulk comes from the destruction of bing constructions and the digging of stuff to let building, nevertheless a comparatively little proportion consists of fresh stuffs generated from amongst others, design alteration, deficiency of skilled work force, site untidiness, hapless quality stuffs and industry and deficiency of merchandise information and cognition. Fresh stuffs will non merely lend to the environmental effects of landfill but will hold indirect environmental effects due to transit, production and packaging. The chief environmental effects of waste due to destruction and digging are emanations from transit and chiefly issues with landfill. Landfills are widely considered to hold inauspicious effects on the environing environment and public wellness. The chief types of environmental impacts caused by landfill sites are change to environing landscape, ocular invasion, debasement of air quality, pollution of land H2O and debasement of dirt quality. The building industry makes a considerable part as it makes up a big proportion of the entire waste assigned to landfill in the UK. Landfill sites by and large occupy a big country required for waste disposal itself every bit good as associated installations and adequate country to understate the effects on environing groundwater and dirt quality. Additionally in some instances digging and motion of stuff is required to make an country which is suited for the disposal of waste. Therefore, the environing landscape is adversely affected. The location of a landfill site is frequently sanely chosen so to understate the effects it has on the environing environment, nevertheless it may be impossible to turn up it so that it is wholly unseeable to the populace and the negative ocular impact a landfill site will hold on a community can non be avoided. Gaseous emanations from a landfill site come from the transit of waste, usage of machinery and more significantly the anaerobiotic digestion of organic affair bring forthing methane. Generation of gas in a landfill site is one of the largest beginnings of methane emanations to the ambiance ; methane holding a much greater planetary heating consequence than C dioxide every bit good as being harmful to worlds. Landfill sites hence have a negative consequence on air quality and public wellness. The precipitation that falls on a landfill coupled with the disposal of liquid wastes consequences in the extraction of H2O soluble compounds and particulate stuff, such as cement, dust and asbestos. Although nowadays steps are by and large taken to water-proof a landfill site ensuing solutions and mixtures will about surely end up in environing groundwater and dirt. Therefore, a debasement of groundwater and dirt quality occurs. Gaseous wastes are a byproduct of any development but have increased badness in big graduated table developments which require a big sum of stuff and associated transit, usage of a greater sum and variable machinery and occur over a longer timescale. Transportation system of stuffs will normally be by route, rail or on occasion by sea. In any instance the method of transit will bring forth gaseous emanations that will hold an overall planetary heating consequence and cut down the air quality locally and regionally. An increased local decrease in air quality occurs in countries around big developments with longer building times due to the drawn-out changeless usage of machinery in the same country. The production of building stuffs besides has a important consequence on air quality due to emanations of peculiarly detrimental waste merchandises from industrial workss.Godforsaken MINIMISATION:Definition of waste minimization:â€Å" The decrease of waste at beginning, by understanding a nd altering procedures to cut down and forestall waste. This is besides known as procedure or resource efficiency. Waste minimization includes the permutation of less environmentally harmful stuffs in the production procedure. † [ 4 ] Planing out waste at the initial phases of the building procedure provides the greatest chances for waste minimization. The best manner to pull off waste, peculiarly risky waste, is to pull off the procedure so that there is no waste to pull off. This is decidedly non easy, but the whole purpose is that when a similar idea occurs, waste can be minimised if non eliminated.Benefits of Waste Minimisation:* Increase resource efficiency * Reduce costs * Improve environmental public presentation * Demonstrate best pattern * Ensure conformity with legal duties * Reduce disposal to landfill * economic inducements * societal advantages * internal concern benefits * external concern benefits Waste minimization contributes to the addition efficiency in the use of resources. It besides helps in decrease of cost of overall undertaking, when the outgo over the waste is reduced ; thereby the cost of undertaking besides reduces. Waste Minimisation understandsenvironmental improvementssuch as ameliorated pollution control, development of environmentally friendly merchandises Waste Minimisation ensureslegal compliancewith European Directives, UK Legislation and Regulations. Waste minimization will well cut down the disposal to landfill, thereby cut downing the landfill revenue enhancement. Waste Minimisation haseconomic incentivessuch as diluted trade waste costs and better efficiency. It is of import that any industry respects in implementing the waste minimization enterprises because the debut of the landfill revenue enhancement means that waste disposal costs are set to increase in the hereafter. Waste Minimisation hassocial benefitsas the recycling and reuse methods allow employment and economic chances for local charities, voluntary groups, the community sector and concerns that can recycle or recycle stuffs. Waste Minimisation hasinternal concern benefitsby advancing a cultural alteration within any industry by fostering environmental consciousness. It besides provides an chance for staff preparation and makings every bit good as improved employee motive. Waste Minimisation hasexternal concern benefitsby pull offing a assortment of your concerns stakeholder relationships. Industry ‘s investors, clients, the general populace, the regulator, companies within your supply concatenation and contractors may necessitate grounds of good environmental public presentation or expression for a ‘green ‘ image. [ 5 ]How to accomplish the benefits:Waste minimization demands action on three foreparts:1. Peoples:Many decreases in waste can be accomplished through improved housework. It is important that employees are cognizant of the issues related to waste and are motivated and trained to forestall it.2. Methodology:A systematic attack to measurement and command foregrounds lacks and jobs, alters marks to be set and maintains degrees of efficiency.3. Technology:Capital investing in new engineering can heighten productiveness and lessening waste coevals, giving really short paybacks.METHODS OF WASTE MINIMISATIONThe procedure of waste minimization through ‘Designing out Waste ‘ is still at the early phase of development. Many barriers and chances exist in developing waste minimization schemes in design. If this procedure is considered in the early phases of building activities, there are chances for it to be. The waste hierarchy ( see figure 1 ) establishes waste decrease as one of the highest precedences for turn toing the increasing volumes of waste. The mark for any waste decrease scheme must be to concentrate on chances from the beginning, at the earliest phases of design. Many barriers and chances exist in developing a scheme of waste decrease in design.Opportunities for waste minimization exist in four building countries:1. Undertaking Planing 2. Pre-Construction 3. Off-site Activities 4. On-site ActivitiesUndertaking Planning:During undertaking be aftering stage, it is indispensable that waste direction scheme is made for better net income borders. Focus on riddance of waste is the premier factor. Communicating schemes with client, developer, interior decorator, builder, undertaking director, contractors and providers is really of import. Analysis on waste decrease program should be done.PRE Construction:This phase involves three countries where waste decrease is possible. * Designing: proper and accurate dimensions, suggesting standard stuff sizes, edifice for deconstruction ( can be easy reused if future alterations occur with easiness and minimal wastage ) and operational waste decrease. * Estimating: over appraisal of needed stuffs leads to wastage. * Buying: Buying environmental friendly points, utilizing procurance policy as stipulating makers and providers your exact demands reduces the sum of waste.Off-site ACTIVITIES:AA · Prefabrication: By preassembling frames and trusses, timber waste can be decreased to an extent.On-site ACTIVITIES:* Delivery and storage of stuffs. * Packaging * Separation of stuffs. * Safe disposal of ineluctable waste.WASTE MINIMISATION STRATEGIESPull offing and supervising the different waste watercourses on a building site requires a elaborate waste minimization scheme. This needs careful planning throughout the design, physique and tenancy stages, to guarantee its success, effectivity and conformity with edifice ordinances. There are three basic schemes for covering with waste: cut down, reuse and recycle. Waste bar is the ideal, and this can be addressed foremost by placing possible waste watercourses early on in the physique procedure, and so planing for their minimization. Using standard sizes for edifice constituents ( Windowss, doors etc. ) can forestall future waste, as can plan for deconstruction, utilizing reclaimable constituents. It has been estimated that over telling histories for 13 million metric tons of new edifice stuffs being thrown out every twelvemonth. Better communicating between constructing professionals to guarantee exact computations of needed stuffs are made can intend that this waste is prevented. Just-in-time bringing schemes can farther cut down waste created by improper storage and conditions harm. Once waste has been produced, the best method of pull offing it is through reuse either on the bing site, or a nearby site. Many stuffs can be usefully reclaimed, and even sold to countervail the costs of a edifice undertaking. Recycling stuffs is the concluding option for pull offing waste. Materials that can be reused or recycled demand to be identified early on the physique procedure, and segregated for easy storage, aggregation and transportation. For the scheme to be effectual, links besides need to be established with local recycling and reuse installations and contractors. [ 6 ]OCCUPANCY WASTESustainable edifice pattern goes one measure further than conventional pattern, by planing for waste minimization in the operation of the edifice, through gray H2O recycling, composting lavatories, on site nutrient composting and off-site recycling installations, therefore assisting to cut down residential waste. [ 7 ]Legislative ASPECTS OF WASTE MANAGEMENT:LANDFILL TAXThe landfill revenu e enhancement purposes to promote waste manufacturers to bring forth less waste, retrieve more value from waste, through recycling or composting, and to utilize more environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal. The revenue enhancement applies to active and inert waste, disposed of at a accredited landfill site.The purposes of the landfill revenue enhancement are:* To advance the ‘polluter wages ‘ rule, by increasing the monetary value of landfill to better reflect its environmental costs ; * To advance a more sustainable attack to blow direction in which less waste is produced and more is recovered or recycled. There are two rates of revenue enhancement. Inactive waste is capable to the lower rate at ?2 per metric ton. Active waste is capable to ?15 per metric ton, lifting at ?3 per metric ton per twelvemonth from 2005/06 towards a long-run rate of ?35 per metric ton. Her Majesty ‘s Customs and Excise has updated its General Note on the Landfill Tax. The counsel replaces the old version ( February 2000 ) to include the alterations to the revenue enhancement liability of stuffs re-used on landfill sites ; licenses issued under ordinances under subdivision 2 of the Pollution Prevention and Control Act ( 1999 ) that authorise sedimentations or disposals in, or on the land ; the alterations to the liability to pay landfill revenue enhancement and alterations to the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. The Landfill Tax Regulations have been clarified following a legal challenge brought by a waste direction company last twelvemonth. [ 8 ]SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS ( SWMPS )Site Waste Management Plans ( SWMPs ) are an of import tool for building companies and their clients, of all sizes, to better their environmental public presentation, meet regulative controls and cut down lifting costs of disposing of waste. This papers sets out the basic construction of SWMPs and how companies can outdo utilize them to better and pull off their operations at all phases of site activity. It includes utile checklists and other counsel to assist guarantee the Plan is a practical tool. Note that it is non indispensable for there to be a separate SWMP papers for your site – the counsel given here can every bit good be included in a Waste Management Section of an overall Site Environmental Management Plan. [ 9 ]THE PURPOSE OF SWMPS:SWMPs purpose to turn to two cardinal issues:1. Bettering stuffs resource efficiency, by advancing the economic usage of building stuffs and methods so that waste is minimised and any waste that is produced can be re-used, recycled or recovered in other ways before disposal options are explored ; and 2. Reducing fly-tipping, by curtailing the chances available for the illegal disposal of waste by guaranting conformity with bing legal controls and supplying a full audit trail of any waste that is removed from the building site. Although it is a legal demand to compose and implement a SWMP, the greatest cost nest eggs are likely to be achieved as a consequence of the consideration of stuffs resource efficiency which will be a necessary portion of the readying, before the SWMP is drafted. [ 10 ]WASTE AS A VALUABLE RESOURCEEffective waste direction can cut down edifice and operating costs, heighten the repute of the edifice industry, and besides bring forth new gross watercourses through developing recycling and repossessing markets. Reducing building waste besides saves landfill infinite, conserves valuable natural resources, saves energy and creates less pollution by cut downing transit and fabrication procedures, with a extenuating consequence on clime alteration.Decision:Harmoniz ing to the ODPM waste study ( 2001 ) , the C & A ; D industry in Wales produces about 5.02 million metric tons of waste per twelvemonth ; this is about 30 % of all controlled waste originating in Wales. Given the graduated table of the building industry in Wales and the measure of waste produced, it has great possible to take the manner in waste minimization, re-use and recycling. [ 11 ] Waste minimization is now an instituted concern pattern for many administrations and a figure of industries have enforced waste decrease programmes. Reducing waste is a key to a cleaner universe and more competitory industry. It would non be just to reason that edifice services should undergo radical redesign or standardization merely to cut down wastes in building. However, the decrease of waste, in footings of stuffs or clip is good to all because a decrease in cost will ensue in better systems within the same budget. [ 1 ] CIOB. ( ) .Sustainability and Construction.Available: ref=74. Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 2 ] CIBSE. ( ) .DESIGNING TO ENCOURAGE WASTE MINIMISATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20waste % 20minim.pdf. Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 3 ] CIOB. ( ) .Sustainability and Construction.Available: ref=74. Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 4 ] Welsh Assembly Government. ( ) .Waste bar and minimisation.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // lang=en. Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 5 ] Perth & A ; Kinross Council. ( 2008 ) .Benefits of waste minimisation.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 6 ] Sustainable Build. ( ) .Reducing and Pull offing Waste.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 7 ] Sustainable Build. ( ) .Reducing and Pull offing Waste.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 8 ] Welsh Assembly Government. ( ) .Landfill tax.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? lang=en. Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 9 ] dti. ( 2004 ) .SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 10 ] defra. ( 2008 ) .Non-statutory counsel for site waste direction plans.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 6 December 2009. [ 11 ] Welsh Assembly Government. ( ) .Construction and Demolition.Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? lang=en. Last accessed 6 December 2009.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Torture of Foreign Prisoners †English Essay

The Torture of Foreign Prisoners – English Essay Free Online Research Papers The Torture of Foreign Prisoners English Essay The right of â€Å"innocent until proven guilty† is one of the most important rights we Americans have. Regardless if these people are enemies of the Country, they still have the same rights under our laws. Freedoms of Americans are spelled out plainly in the Constitution, guarded by our laws, and the treaties we have with other countries. Torture violates all of these guidelines. If we do not show these freedoms to people of other countries, then we do our whole country a dishonor. Torture to an enemy of the United States by the military or by any of the other Agencies is wrong and against our own laws and treaties. Our own military’s lawyers have even expressed concern over the use of torture of prisoners. The Judge Advocacy General’s Corps had three of its top lawyers expressed their conserves over this tortures legality. It seems the Military has a manual with their laws and procedures spelled out very plain as to how to teat a â€Å"Prisoner of War.† The lawyers speak and put the reasoning very plain: â€Å"but also would cause public outrage if the tactics became known.† (White). This plainly shows our own military is concerned over this abuse of prisoners. The military knows it is breaking it’s own rules. Army Col. Stuart Herrington, who is a military specialist in interrogations, who has been in Vietnam, Panama, and Iraq during Desert Storm, was sent to the prisons to check for the Pentagon. He had this to say over what was going on: â€Å"Aside from its immorality and its illegality,† says Herrington, torture is simply not a good way to get information. In his experience, nine out of 10 people can be persuaded to talk with no stress methods at all, let alone cruel and unusual ones. Asked whether that would be true of religiously motivated fanatics, he says that the batting average might be lower: perhaps six out of ten. And if you beat up the remaining four? Theyll just tell you anything to get you to stop. (Applebaum). Her is an active Army officer that disagrees with torture. A commander who knows the wrongs of it. He had this to say about the current stories circulating around the water coolers of America. â€Å"At the moment, there is a myth in circulation, a fable that goes something like this: Radical terrorists will take advantage of our fussy legality, so we may have to suspend it to beat them. Radical terrorists mock our namby-pamby prisons, so we must make them tougher. Radical terrorists are nasty, so to defeat them we have to be nastier.† (Applebaum). This is the story being used for validating of torture. There is no proof that this story has any truth. There is something no one has considered, the danger to our own soldiers when they are captured. Here again I quote: â€Å"Worse, youll have the other side effects of torture. It endangers our soldiers on the battlefield by encouraging reciprocity. It does damage to our countrys image and undermines our credibility in Iraq.† (Applebaum) It undermines the work of our soldiers that are helping make Iraq into a country ruled by its people instead of a dictator. The use of torture robes them of their dignity and makes them into another oppressive force in a war torn country. Where did all this begin? America has always been the defender of the oppressed and downtrodden. We as a people are the defenders of freedom. And now that we have been attacked in our homeland we allow our government to break laws and rules that have been set for centuries. Pentagon officials turned to the closest thing on their organizational charts to a school for torture, a program named SERE. Out of fear of future terrorist attacks and frustrated by the slow progress of intelligence-gathering from prisoners at Guantnamo Bay, this program was changed. â€Å"That was a classified program at Fort Bragg, N.C., known as SERE, for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape. Based on studies of North Korean and Vietnamese efforts to break American prisoners, SERE was intended to train American soldiers to resist the abuse they might face in enemy custody. (Bloche). Our Military took a school of how to survive torture and did a one hundred and eighty degree flip on it. Teachings for good were corrupted for use on the suspected terrorist. In a briefing given by General James T. Hill, he stated that a team was sent to the SERE school for this new training. â€Å"General Hill had sent this list which included prolonged isolation and sleep deprivation, stress positions, physical assault and the exploitation of detainees phobias to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who approved most of the tactics in December 2002.† (Bloche). So by our own admittance, the US Army has now changed and started using the training that was for how to survive torture and now use it as how to do torture. Misuse of training to degrade a person that is captured is not and never will be right. SEER’s was made for helping our soldiers, not to make them into torturers. A travesty of warping good things for bad results is now the end result. The manual of the Army states exactly how a prisoner is to be treated. â€Å"While casting aside the field manual flushing it, perhaps, down those toilets into which we are assured no Quran has ever fallen President George W. Bush simultaneously refused a chance to go on record against cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of anyone in U.S. government custody.† (Cocco). So it is known that the manual is being thrown ignored with this use of torture. The United States has even signed treaties with other countries banning torture of prisoners, which they are now not following. Why are all these things being ignored? One reason alone is why, the President has so ordered it. The CIA is acting under orders, as is the Military to do what ever it takes to find out information. The fifteenth and sixteenth paragraphs of an article named Military Lawyers Fought Policy on Interrogations by Josh White of the Washington Post Newspaper, puts the blame exactly where it belongs on who is responsible for this. â€Å"In 2002, the State Departments legal adviser expressed concerns that the Bush administration had ignored the Geneva Conventions in deciding how to treat captured members of al Qaeda and the Taliban. Because such captives have been categorized as enemy combatants and not prisoners of war, the administration has said the conditions of their detention are not governed by the Geneva Conventions, though they would be treated humanely. The abuse at Guantanamo Bay has been reported several times in the news. The use of military trained dogs for intimidation and torture is just another atrocity that has come to light. â€Å"They were considered authorized by the Army field manual and Defense Department guidance and were therefore not considered abusive. Identical tactics were later used at Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison by military police officers who were not authorized to employ them.†(White). Using any means possible to find out information to stop terrorist is counterproductive. No valid proof of it working can be found anywhere. There are no cases where any information gained was valid. Any other country in the world would not allow the use of torture to find out information. So why does the United States? So the laws are set, the treaties have been signed, the Code of Conduct manuals have been written, lawyers have complained, as has Congressmen, and still the inhuman acts of torture go on. The common person in the streets, know the wrongness of it. So why does the President still allow torture? References Applebaum, Anne. â€Å"The Torture Myth.† The Washing Post Company. January 12, 2005. Copyright 1996-2005. Blouch, M. Gregg. Marks, Jonathan H. â€Å"Do Unto Others as They did Unto Us.† The New York Times Company. November 14, 2005. Copyright 2005. Cocco, Marie. â€Å"Torturing Prisoners? Not by the Book.† Common Dreams News Center. Copyrighted 2005. Newsday, Inc August 2, 2005. White, Josh. â€Å"Military Lawyers fought Policy on Interrogations.† The Washington Post Company. July 15, 2005. Page A01.Copyright 1996-2005. Research Papers on The Torture of Foreign Prisoners - English Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresCapital PunishmentPETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHip-Hop is ArtHonest Iagos Truth through Deception

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dealing with Autism

Dealing with Autism Free Online Research Papers Of all of the childhood psychological disorders, Autism is perhaps the most overwhelming. Its sufferers are both the children afflicted with social impairment and the parents who struggle everyday to support them. Autism deprives its sufferers of the capability of having significant relationships and communication with other individuals, it causes them to become withdrawn and cancel any human contact. Perhaps the most overlooked part of this disease is the pain and guilt that it causes parents who often find it hard to love a child with no emotions, with little human traits. While the past 30 years have brought some progress towards the diagnosis of Autism, it seems that this disorder is so complex and volatile that it is very difficult to treat. Autism is a disorder with a clear genetic origin. Studies have revealed that both single gene mutations and multi gene interactions are responsible for the condition. Twin studies from the early seventies illustrated that if one identical twin has Autism, the other sibling is 90% likely to also have it as well (Gray, 970). This offers immense backing for the genetic hypothesis. However there has also been evidence that non genetic reasons can be to blame for Autism. Prenatal viral infections including Rubella have been confirmed to be harmful to the fetus brain and at times responsible for Autism (Gray, 970). Women who are exposed to pesticides during pregnancy are eight times more likely to have a child with Autism (Gray, 972). No matter what the cause is Autism is a disorder that weakens the growth of a child’s brain and causes noticeable social problem. Indicators of Autism start very early with 80 percent of autistic children displaying abnormalities before the age of 18 months. The occurrence in America is 6 per 1000 births and it affects boys four times as often as girls. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics there are several red flags for Autism. These include no babbling or gesturing by 12 months of age, no single words by 16 months, and no two word phrases by the age of 24 months (Gray, 972). As children get older, and even grow into adulthood other more established symptoms become noticeable. Perhaps the universal trait of Autism is a fixation with repetitive, patterned things (Gray, 973). Autistic toddlers can be observed doing the same thing for hours in complete silence (Gray, 973). Young Autistic children are much less likely to respond to stimuli including their names (Gray, 974). They rarely show eye contact and are more likely to play with another person’s hand (Gray, 975). Around the age o f five, children are less likely to come up to others and play with peers, and show a complete indifference to social norms. As they reach adolescence autistic children are very likely to have few friendships, become depressed from loneliness and suffer from occasional but profound temper tantrums (Gray, 975). Autism is a complex disorder with an incredible range of different manifestations. Around 30 percent of autistic individuals are mentally retarded with an IQ below 50. These obviously have the poorest outcomes as adults. Mentally retarded autistics may never develop language or even the concept of social connection. They are inclined to live in institutions and some cannot even feed themselves or use the bathroom without assistance. On the other hand, Autistics with IQ’s ranging from 70 to 90 have a 60 percent chance of living independently and can work on simple jobs. An interesting finding is that autistics with higher IQ’s can often posses above average language skills and be mistaken by others to be highly intelligent. Yet they lack the ability to understand the feelings and intentions of other people, making them socially awkward and incapable of forming lasting relationships. On the extremes of the spectrum are the highly intelligent autistics, which clearly show the complexities of the human brain. Also known as Asperger Syndrome, this form of the disease makes up for social inadequacy by often giving people highly superior perception and memory. Highly intelligent autistics often can be incredible painters, musicians, and mathematicians, while lacking the most basic social skills. The most extreme version of this is savant syndrome, where autistic individuals possess super human abilities. Kim Peek, a savant made famous by the movie Rainman, has the ability to remember a 900 page book word for word, while being incapable of carrying the most simplest of conversations. It is almost impossible to create a universal treatment for Autism because its effects are so different in every individual. Intensive treatments and behavior therapies are often applied from an early age, in attempt to lessen the profoundness of the disorder. These treatments try to teach social skills and promote communication in autistic children. Early intervention has shown to have some positive results, but even supporters have admitted that great improvement is highly unlikely. Observation has shown that autism can worsen or improve with age completely on its own. More than half of autistic children are prescribed psychoactive drugs including anti-depressants and stimulants to help control their symptoms. Either than this, little else can be done to help autistic individuals. Because autism is a problem in the way the brain innately works, rather than being a problem of neurotransmitters like other disorders, treatment options are so limited. It is unfortunate that wil l all of our advances in modern medicine, we still have so little options against the curse of Autism. A few strengths of the article are that it gives a great deal of information of what Autism is as well as how Autism has been viewed. It also gives a look into how having a child with Autism can affect the parents as well as the child. The author gives insight into the Autism spectrum. Interacting with individuals with Autism can be stressful for anyone is not only an adjustment for the community and the parents but the individual also. I did not really find any weaknesses in the article to critique. In the amount of time I have been working my internship with the population of developmentally disabled individuals, I have found that a vast majority have Autism Spectrum Disorders. I sit in amazement as I watch how they interact with each other and the staff. It is truly an adjustment for the families leaving their loved ones in the hands of strangers per se, but it is also an adjustment for many of individuals with Autism being away from their families and familiar surroundings. Research Papers on Dealing with AutismPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTrailblazing by Eric AndersonComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseHip-Hop is Art

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Labor Day A Holiday for Workers Everywhere!

Labor Day A Holiday for Workers Everywhere! Happy Labor Day weekend! This weekend, the United States and Canada commemorate the contribution of workers to society- your daily efforts, all you produce, and how you bolster the country’s economy. That likely includes you, so that means this holiday is yours to celebrate. What is Labor Day?Aside from the obvious fact that all hard work deserves a day off in its honor, Labor Day originated when groups of people around the country took a stand to improve their horrible working environments.The first Labor Day took place in 1882 in New York City. It was the height of the Industrial Revolution, and many Americans- including young children- were working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, just to have the basics.The hours were long, the conditions were unsafe, and the pay was low. Faced with these terrible conditions and looking to protest, 10,000 workers met at City Hall and marched the streets- the first Labor Day parade in the country’s history.In the years that followed, o ther states adopted the trend, celebrating the importance of workers to a successful society.  Congress officially recognized the holiday in June of 1894 as the first Monday in September.Celebrating Work with†¦ RelaxationFor many, Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer- the last hurrah before kids go back to school, the temperatures begin to drop, and apples and pumpkins find their way into farmers’ markets.Soak up your long weekend of sunshine (fingers crossed rain isn’t on the agenda)! Pack a picnic, find a local parade, hit up the beach, or just enjoy time at home with your family and friends.And, if you’re lucky enough to have Monday off, enjoy your well-deserved break from all the hard work you do.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What does Volkswagens CSR(corporate social responsibility) history say Essay

What does Volkswagens CSR(corporate social responsibility) history say about the company as a brand and what does the future hold for Europes leading car manufa - Essay Example ides the private sector the company successfully operates of the sector of commercial vehicle, selling spans pick ups, busses and heavy trucks (Volkswagen, 2007). The main market of VW is naturally Europe but its brands successfully operate on the international market as well. Thus, company’s second largest market is China, where Volkswagen Group China can be called the Second largest Joint venture automaker. VW AG occupies a large part of the automaker industry and in 2006 is was reported to have a 9,7  % share of the passenger car market in the world, having sold 5.734 million cars compared with the 5.243 million in 2005 (Volkswagen, 2007). It estimated by the researchers that 19.9  % of cars, i.e. every fifth car, purchased in Western Europe, were produced by VW AG. Company shows good financial activities, having increased its group sales from 95.3 billion Euros in 2005 to 104.9 billion in 2006 (Volkswagen, 2007). As stated in the company profile the primary goal of the Company is to â€Å"offer attractive, safe and environmentally sound vehicles which are competitive on an increasingly tough market and which set world standards in their respective classes† (Volkswagen, 2007). In this paper I’ll try to present the company profile. I’ll recall the main historic facts about the company; describe its market policy and corporate social responsibility strategy. The issue of CSR is quite new and acquired its importance not as long as 30 years ago. First, corporate social reduced only to financial reimbursement of the company to its shareholders. However, soon it became apparently not enough and corporate responsibility developed a wider range of policies and actions. Nowadays, there are quite many definitions of CSR. We will mention those, which are most popular. Keith Davis definition related corporate social responsibility to company’s â€Å"decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or technical

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example Placing ones hand on fire, the sense of feel will detect the temperature and pass the information to the brain, which perceives it as hot. This causes immediate withdrawal of the hand, preventing injury. Likewise, after placing food in the mouth, the tongue’s sense of taste will detect and send a message of the food’s taste to the brain, which will perceive it as either pleasant tasting and palatable or not. One can then proceed to eat or not. Taking an example of how to cross the road, the sense of sight helps in judging distance or depth. Through the eyes, the sense of sight of an oncoming vehicle is sent to the brain, which then determines whether it is far enough for safe crossing or too close to let it pass, keeping one out of risk of being hit.   Factors that contribute to the accuracy of sensory information include repeatability and memory (Turnbull et al, 1995). In the example of placing ones hand on fire, the sense of simply seeing does not perceive it as hot. However, continuously placing the hand on fire and finding it to be hot conditions the brain to memorize that fire is always hot, and touching eventually becomes unnecessary for the brain to perceive the fire as hot. There is also the use of tried and accepted methodologies that comply with the principles of the scientific community (Turnbull et al, 1995). With regards to sensory perceptions, nature may be viewed as a person’s natural instincts and genetic structure (Tierney et al, 1995). Nurture can be termed as the environmental factors that influence and shape a person’s behavior. They include teaching and parenting styles and one’s social, cultural and economic background. Both nature and nurture have an impact on an individual’s sensory perception. Studies have shown that, in a nurturing environment, children gain knowledge of objects through their experiences with their mothers (Tierney et

The Myth of Horoscope Is Not True Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Myth of Horoscope Is Not True - Essay Example However, I personally think the myth of horoscopy is not completely true. It is an unrealistic approach towards astronomy and a combination of psychological theories and techniques which effects people’s imagination and beliefs. Before talking about the truth of horoscope, it is important to know that where it came from. It can be traced back in Mesopotamia five thousand years ago; where many different races such as Babylonians and Assyrian lived. Their original religion had certain level of believe in celestial body. In fact, astronomy was practiced as horoscopy during that time period. They used to relate certain stars with the animal or human image. Later in about 592 B.C., Greeks named the images on sky after their gods and created stories to explain about their existence in sky. These illusions became what we call constellations nowadays. Horoscopy uses those constellations, planets and their movement in solar system to predict. Constellations are just configuration of stars as we see it from earth. The contradiction is how a person’s fate can be judged by the stars which are hundred million light-years away from earth. Constellations are nihility, and it is not necessary for astronomers to name each group of stars. Astronomers can simply assign a number to stars, but it will make astronomy somewhat boring for people. Therefore, in order to make it interesting and easy to remember, Greeks associated constellations with fairy tales. Astronomy is art of science, but unfortunately, horoscopy manipulates the original meaning of astronomy. Those who believe in it completely are losing their sense of judgment. Horoscopy is merely a combination of statistical and psychological techniques. First, astrologers collect the data about a group of people with same constellation. On the basis of collected data, they analyze people for similar characteristics. Second, they classify constellation’s characteristics with the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique Essay

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique - Essay Example lete or soccer player, very few studies have thoroughly investigated the important correlation between a players maximal strength and his or her potential sprint or vertical jumping performance. A correlational quantitative research approach was employed in the study. Based on their findings, the authors observed that maximal strength in squat positions was a critical determinant of both the sprint performance and vertical jumping height in high level athletes and soccer players. They further noted that high squat strength did not affect the maximal oxygen consumption of the players (Wisloff et al. 2004, p.288). The conclusion was that Elite athletes and soccer players should always focus to improving their maximal strength during training with particular emphasis on maximal movement mobilization in order to enhance their sprint and vertical jump performance. This journal article critique seeks to identify and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article based on my personal judgment of the general aspects of the article, accuracy of the findings as well as its relevance to my field of practice. Written by the authors Wisloff, U., Castagna, C., Helgerud, J., Jones, R. and Jan Hoff, the article â€Å"Strong correlation of squat strength with vertical jump height and sprint performance among elite soccer players† sought to investigate the likely relationship between an athlete’s maximum strength and his potential sprint or jumping performance. The article is fairly well written in terms of the general aspects of their article including the appropriateness of the title, abstract, statement of the problem, data collection and analyses as well as the dissemination of the results. For example, the title of the article is not only appropriate and relevant to the concept under study but also contains the key words related to the study topic. The abstract is also fairly well written both in terms of its succinct overview of the main aspects of the

Supplemental Vitamins Vs. Natural Vitamins Research Paper

Supplemental Vitamins Vs. Natural Vitamins - Research Paper Example Scientists and nutritionists around the world have failed to form a consensus on the efficacy and usefulness of supplements. While some studies show that supplements do in fact help prevent diseases and assist in meeting nutritional requirements, latest studies reveal that the side effects of such man-made drugs are harmful. A study conducted in 2007 of 77,721 men and women smokers to identify whether or not the intake of supplemental multivitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate helped reduce lung cancer is one such interesting find (Christopher G. Slatore). Over a ten year period, it was found that 521 cases of lung cancer were reported among the sample and it was found that these supplements did not present a reduction in the probability of lung cancer in the sample. Furthermore, it was found that vitamin E was actually linked to a slight increase in the risk of the lung cancer instead. On the other hand, there are studies that point to the advantages of supplements as a means of meeting nutritional needs. One such study, conducted on breastfeeding infants, suggests that dark-skinned infants who are fed only on breast milk should be given a vitamin D supplementation of 400IU daily. The study suggests that these infants would not receive the daily Vitamin D requirement based solely on their diet and would be at high risk of developing rickets (Kreiter SR).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique Essay

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique - Essay Example lete or soccer player, very few studies have thoroughly investigated the important correlation between a players maximal strength and his or her potential sprint or vertical jumping performance. A correlational quantitative research approach was employed in the study. Based on their findings, the authors observed that maximal strength in squat positions was a critical determinant of both the sprint performance and vertical jumping height in high level athletes and soccer players. They further noted that high squat strength did not affect the maximal oxygen consumption of the players (Wisloff et al. 2004, p.288). The conclusion was that Elite athletes and soccer players should always focus to improving their maximal strength during training with particular emphasis on maximal movement mobilization in order to enhance their sprint and vertical jump performance. This journal article critique seeks to identify and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article based on my personal judgment of the general aspects of the article, accuracy of the findings as well as its relevance to my field of practice. Written by the authors Wisloff, U., Castagna, C., Helgerud, J., Jones, R. and Jan Hoff, the article â€Å"Strong correlation of squat strength with vertical jump height and sprint performance among elite soccer players† sought to investigate the likely relationship between an athlete’s maximum strength and his potential sprint or jumping performance. The article is fairly well written in terms of the general aspects of their article including the appropriateness of the title, abstract, statement of the problem, data collection and analyses as well as the dissemination of the results. For example, the title of the article is not only appropriate and relevant to the concept under study but also contains the key words related to the study topic. The abstract is also fairly well written both in terms of its succinct overview of the main aspects of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Children families and communities Out-_ of-_ Home Care of Children Essay

Children families and communities Out-_ of-_ Home Care of Children (Foster Care) - Essay Example The primary aim of people who run the Foster Care homes is to provide the child with a permanent home with caring parents, irrespective of reunification or adoption. Children who are initiated into Foster Care homes include children who are neglected and abused and basically do not experience a strong and safe support system in their lives. Such children not only have serious physical and mental problems, but also possess a very negative attitude towards life. There is a constant threat to a child’s natural development which definitely takes its toll if help is not rendered in time. It is not only important to take a child to Foster Care during the early stages when the growth of the brain is most active, but it is also vital that the child has a positive experience and a good healing process while in Foster Care. In this context, Welfare systems play a vital role in the life of a child as it helps in healing the damage brought about by abuse and neglect, as well as it plays a very important role in the child’s development by providing comprehensive services. Current Effectiveness of Child Welfare Systems Internationally, for the past decade, there has been great improvement, in the policies and practices involving child protection. According to Lonne, Parton, Thomson, & Harries, (2009) Welfare systems are receiving ‘greater recognition of the importance of preventive, family – focused support’. The change brought about is reflected in ongoing efforts to broaden the concept of protection practices through child- centered orientation in welfare. Programs such as early interventions for both the child as well as family needs have been introduced. Early intervention policies and programs help to reduce the vulnerability of the child as well as the family and also help to cut costs before further damage is done. In addition, Secondary support programs such as Healthy Families (US) Sure Start (UK) and Stronger Families and Communiti es Strategy and Brighter Futures (Australia) are implemented to create social awareness about the importance of early interventions. Ongoing research is also being carried out in the field of child protection, by way of development of a range of assessment tools that serve to reduce the known risk factors which in turn help to strengthen and support the protective factors involving the child as well as the family. According to Stern (2002) such factors serve to ‘achieve desirable preventive effects for children and families.’ Cashmore (2009) strongly feels that though important decisions are taken by professionals who give their expert advice on the problems of children in care, yet family and community play a vital role in addressing these concerns and finding solutions to these problems. Family group conferences are very much helpful because it empowers the family who otherwise has to rely on professionals to sort out their problems. Moreover, according to Cashmore (2 009) family group conferencing helps to build trust between the child, family and community and reduce the stressful situation to the minimum. Judy Cashmore (2009) believes that such family group conferences are extremely important as they help to harness trust and faith between the child, family and community and hence build stronger relationships among themselves that in turn

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evaluating the Research Process Essay Example for Free

Evaluating the Research Process Essay Literature Review The following paper will address the research process using the article Assessing Pregnancy Intention and Associated Risks in Pregnant Adolescents. The research process consists of nine parts that include; selecting a problem, formulating a hypothesis, reviewing the literature, listing the measures, describing the subjects, constructing a design, constructing and identifying measurement devices, analysis of the data, and generating conclusions (Neutens Rubinson, 2010). The literature review shows that adolescent pregnancy is a multifaceted problem. Adolescent pregnancy has risk factors that must be taken into account. Ethics Some of these risk factors would be the ethical considerations. The Nuremberg Code which was established in 1947 tried to provide regulations. These regulations were to prevent any more atrocities in human research (Neutens Rubinson, 2010). One of the ethical considerations would be informed consent. Informed consent came about after the Nuremberg Code. Informed consent is about telling the subject about the details of the research, any risks or benefits that could come about (Neutens Rubinson, 2010) Ethical considerations must be taken into consideration when performing tests on human subjects. If anything is not disclosed in the informed consent, it would leave the researchers vulnerable to a lawsuit as well as invalidating the research study. In the article, Assessing Pregnancy Intention and Associated Risks in Pregnant Adolescents, informed consent was followed. â€Å"Informed consent was obtained from the participant and if the participant was younger than 18 years old, conse nt was obtained from her guardian with assent of the minor (participant)† (Phipps Nunes, 2012). The researchers found the subjects during their first prenatal care appointment to the â€Å"Women and Infants Hospital Women’s Primary Care Center, Providence, RI between March 2002 and February 2005† (Phipps Nunes,  2012). Steps were taken to ensure that the participants would be considered adolescents even after their babies were born and that they would understand what was expected of them. The research study was conducted by using research assistants that interviewed the participants. They were questioned about their â€Å"demographic characteristics, life plans, social supports, peer and family relationships, financial support, behavioral risks, and medical history† (Phipps Nunes, 2012). In example, research surveys â€Å"included validated questions where available and where not available content-relevant questions were assessed for face validity. The surveys underwent a process of review and revision that included both clinical experts and age-relevant volunteers† (). In the survey, subjects were asked about pregnancy planning, so that the assistants could assess the subjects’ level of agreement with statements. The statements were coded to assess for risk factors. The state ments ranged from trying to getting pregnant and best age to get pregnant as well as overall feelings about pregnancy (Phipps Nunes, 2012). Statistical Analysis All of the information that was gathered by the research assistants from the participants is used in the statistical analysis to determine the significance level. â€Å"The significance level of a statistical hypothesis test is a fixed probability of wrongly rejecting the null hypothesis, if it is in fact true. The significance level is typically set at five percent† (The Statistics Glossary, n.d.). So anything higher than five percent would be considered statistically insignificant. The researchers â€Å"did observe significant associations between our pregnancy intention metrics and known risk factors for poor outcomes† (Phipps Nunes, 2012). There were two dimensions of pregnancy intention that the researchers assessed. The two significant dimensions were emotional readiness and planning. Emotional readiness was more â€Å"strongly associated with risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Pregnant teens identified as not emotionally ready were at increased risk for delayed prenatal care, inadequate prenatal care utilization, delayed use of prenatal vitamins, recent smoking, recent drinking, recent drug use and depression† (Phipps Nunes, 2012). The findings in the research study article is statistically significant. The study showed that emotional readiness and planning are critical for having a  healthy pregnancy. Before this study came out, researchers thought that being emotionally ready was not nearly as important to pregnancy as proper health care. However, if one is not emotionally ready it can affect getting proper health care. Research Conclusions The conclusion to this study determined that emotional readiness and planning are the main risk factors for adolescent pregnancy that has adverse outcome. This study tests the thought that emotional readiness and planning are the two most important factors against family type as the most important risk factor. If the study was looking into preventing adolescent pregnancy, then family type is the most important risk factor. Emotional readiness and planning are important so that one will have a healthy pregnancy. The results to this study are appropriate. There is enough information to determine that the article was indeed effective. The statistics provided in this study were quantitative in nature. The data was collected in an ethical manner. This can be determined by the appropriate exclusion criteria. The article further indicates that previous research was conducted on the topic adolescent pregnancy. This research enabled the creation of a scoring method to identify adolescents tha t are at risk for pregnancy. The results to this study are very appropriate and there is enough information to determine that the article was indeed effective. The statistics provided in this study were clearly listed and defined. The data was ethically collected and appropriate exclusion criteria were indicated to avoid producing biased results. The article further indicates that previous research was conducted on the topic of adolescent pregnancy. This research enabled the creation of a scoring method to identify those at risk of adolescent pregnancy. The article, Assessing pregnancy intention and associated risks in pregnant adolescents, looks into risk factors for adolescents becoming pregnant and having a health pregnancy. The article uses the research process to come to the conclusions that family type, emotional readiness and planning are all important. Family type is statistically important because it states that an adolescent is more at risk for pregnancy if they come from a less than ideal home. Emotional readiness and planning is statistically important because they can affect pregnancy outcome. These conclusions are the same con clusions that the researchers came to in their article. References Neutens, J. J., Rubinson, L. (2010). Research techniques for the health sciences (4th Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. Phipps, M. G., Nunes, A. P. (2012). Assessing pregnancy intention and associated risks in pregnant adolescents. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 16(9), 1820-7. doi: The Statistics Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Work Of Julius Shulman Photography Essay

The Work Of Julius Shulman Photography Essay The photographer assumes a role of tremendous responsibility in reporting literally as a communicator. The mind dexterity and the ability of the person with the camera can become the vehicle by which the image of architecture can be transferred to publications and the people of the world. It is a general assumption that the architectural experience is bound to the architectural work and to the direct encounter with it. Architecture is inherently seen as an experience of which you must be present for, live in or use day to day. The experience is bound to the subjects immediate association with the work its here and now. For that exact same reason the experience can neither be copied nor reproduced exactly like another persons work. However those not directly involved in the profession and even those involved often base their whole understanding and knowledge of architectural works solely on the reading of representations. During the 20th century photography more than any other technique of representation became a decisive factor for our relationship with and understanding of architecture. Success in architectural photography requires an unusual blend of training, background, temperament and personality that has been little discussed. Any art form, even if based on rational and technological conditions can when sensitively applied by an artist become the zeitgeist of the era. Julius Shulman makes photographs that reproduce other peoples work and promotes their work effortlessly. How he achieves this so successfully is what interests me. Everybody emphasizes the fact that a photograph can be reproduced and seen by millions, while a minority of people would know the original building first hand. What is important to me is that if the photographer is an artist they must create a new dimension to their work if they want to succeed or standout in their field. When an art form is immediately accessible to millions through equipment alone it takes special skills to hone in on the craft and excel in the field. Julius Shulman was born in New York on October 10th 1910 and died at his home in Los Angeles, California on Wednesday, July 15, 2009; he was 98 years old. Shulman was a renowned architectural photographer best known for his photography of the californian modernist movement .Not only did his work spread the modernist movement around the world at the time but it also garnered it a new appreciation in the early 1990s. The period I am most interested in is between 1930-1960 when some of his most prolific work was produced focusing on Californian modernism. Julius Shulmans first experience with the Californian desert region came in 1926, when he was 16 years old. He and some teammates on his high school gymnastics team in Los Angeles camped and hiked in canyons around Palm Springs, this connection to the vast natural resources informed his professional work documenting the deserts architectural treasures. For seventy years, Shulman amassed the most comprehensive visual chronology of modern architecture and the development of Los Angeles, photographing architecture by Richard Neutra, Pierre Koenig, and Frank Lloyd Wright amongst many others, and going much further to photograph the emerging petrol stations, movie palaces, and markets of Los Angeles. he documented the changing city over many years which is now stored at the Getty institute in Los angeles. Times have changed; equipment has changed; and architectural photography has changed. Today architectural photographs are more a bridge of communication than they are works of art. Julius Shulman simply viewed the camera as a box with an eye. His view that the architecture should take precedence over the photo and that the purpose of an architectural photograph may be documentary, interpretive, or both but it is seldom the pure art of photography. It may, in the best examples reach this level but only when it first fulfills its purpose as an architectural photograph. In this dissertation i hope to analyse what role Shulman played in the spread of Californian modern architecture along with how he influenced architectural photography at the time which has created his legacy. Shulmans Methodology In this chapter I will look at Shulmans work methodology and briefly touch on the equipment he used during the early modernist period. From the many people who have seen Shulman at work the evidently clear opinion emerges that to view him at work revealed much more than simply viewing his finished work. Shulmans quick fired nature when taking photographs with one shot negative black and white and one transparency in colour got him the name one shot Shulman The manner in which he dressed a scene revealed his desire for a very active image area in which there were no dead spots where the interest level of a viewer might drop off. One of his more unusual methodologies was his choice of spots to take a photograph. Rather than extensively analyse the location and test shoot from a multitude of various angles and locations he simply looked around briefly and picked a spot. This walk to spot method assessing which was best almost immediately adds to mythos of his work and methods. Jay Jorgensen stated while observing Shulman that The hallmark of Shulmans work is to find and exploit the most dramatic lines in structure. Again his ability to enter and appoint the best views very quickly is baffling to the majority of professional photographers even to this day. Some of his most famous images were taken with when compared to todays technology what would be seen as very rudimentary cameras. His photograph of the Kaufmann house was taken with an old Eastmann master view camera and a primitive Schneider Angulon Lense. However this is one of the most widely published photographs of contemporary architecture in the world. Although very open to technology especially in his later work Shulman was always wary of over reliance on technology something which is hotly debated in all aspects of architecture today. In his book The photography of architecture and design Shulmans view was that the photographer should explore all types of equipment in depth and how experimentation is key before deciding on the direction of their work and type of camera. A photographer should think twice before investing in the best. I urge you to consider personal needs and experiences first. Ideally the best should be pursued, but a tool is only as good as its user. Shulmans Favourite Photograph Every artist, designer or creative mind has a favourite piece of work that they cherish. Surprisingly of all of Shulmans photographs one of the most unusual and out of character from the bulk of his work strikes resonance with Shulman the most. Having photographed a striking cotton tree leaf Shulman had found while Golfing, it formed one of his most visionary concepts. He used it in Urban Design schools and Schools of Architecture to describe and illustrate how man can relate to nature. Shulman sees the leaf as the ultimate analogy of how developers should plan out their developments. The need to design a community within a framework in this case which he designates at the outer line of the leaf. The occupants of the development shouldnt trespass onto the nature beyond the leafs shape but let the leaf instead dictate the highways, boulevards and side streets with its veins. The small capillaries dictate where the people should live and the big masses show where the public buildings or large apartments can be built. The message here is to not go beyond the shape of the leaf but instead let all beyond be nature. He saw the land beyond as more valuable to the people living in the community if they can look out on it as nature , trees and the environment. To be left alone by man however Shulman was not against developers but merely wanted to highlight that developers should not act in a away that would put people off why they wanted to live there in the first place. Shulman when recently interviewed before his death was a little perplexed by the current mania for all things sustainable and the recent influx of its influence in contemporary architecture. Weve always had green-those of us who are concerned with the environment, he says. So why should we suddenly discover that green is good? When asked why Koenig never talked about his architecture as sustainable, Shulman says, In the fifties and sixties it was done automatically. The term green meant you related to the environment. Thats all green means: you are the environment. The reason why this architecture photographs so beautifully is the environmental consideration exercised by the architects, Shulman says. It was the sense that here we have beautiful canyons, hillsides, views of the ocean. Everyone loves these photographs because the houses are environmentally involved, and this was before the emphasis on what everyone is calling green. Figure 1 Learning Urban Planning from Nature, A dry leaf found in Yucca Valley, California Framing the Californian lifestyle Neutra and the many other California modernists added a new representation of the extravagant lifestyle being advertised in California, their choice of materials glass, patios that blurred the interior with exterior, sliding doors, and flat roofs where an accurate portrayal of the free spirited lifestyle available in this climate. California , Los Angeles and Palm Springs were at the forefront of the new wave of Modern Architecture that merged inside and outside which was a radical concept at the time. merging the buildings into their sites using topography, light and view while featuring groundbreaking new ideas of form following function and even ornament is crime. Throughout america there are many different photographers synonymous with various different cities. Art Shay documented Chicagos streets intimately delving into the goings on of individual neighborhoods while Arthur Fellig also known as Weegee documented New York with impeccable detail. Los Angeles known for its sparse street life it becomes clear that the photographer most associated with it instead looked into the private spaces framing the Californian lifestyle. The documenting outdoor kitchen areas and unusual shaped pools strengthened the allure of Californias to everyone in post war America. Shulman was a great believer in the California dreaming that emerged post war, ignoring the at times mean streets of Los Angeles instead focusing on the continual sunshine seen in all his work and luminous twilights. Embodying the prevalent optimism of an architecture seemingly morphing into lifestyle and above all architecture as a product to be sold through his images.,Shulmans photographs go beyond the simple facts of the building fabric to propose a blueprint for living. Shulman portrayed something directly influential on the viewer. It was the idea of what its like to occupy a modern house. Shulmans photographs are not innate objects of beauty in themselves or direct duplications of the stunning buildings; they are inviting, compelling images that allow the viewer to imagine themselves the scene. An architectural photograph is seen to evoke three possible desires: I want that photograph, I want that building, or I want that life. Shulmans best work evokes all three. He shattered the common misconception that modernism was cold and calculated. An unfriendly aesthetic suited for clinical, industrial or commercial buildings. He personalised the buildings in an attempt to sell the architecture and Californian style to the viewers. The photographer cannot possibly learn a how-to procedure; but you must learn how to take advantage of the full gamut of experience available to you. The ambition in California and the west coast in general architecturally takes a very different form to that of the East coast. Take New York where the upward dominance of the skyscraper was the focus and identity of the city. The Californian aesthetic was horizontally driven, promoting the fact there was room for everyone to construct an individual marker throughout the landscape Shulman identified this motif and exploited it to his advantage through his work and California as a whole. Shulmans legacy remains in california even though he travelled the world photographing many famous piece of architecture his heart was always in California. His own house which he commissioned Raphael Soriano to design in 1947. Unsurprisingly the design was modern steel construction which also included a purpose built photography studio for Shulman. Garrett Eckbo designed the surrounding landscape the entire site has remained unaltered since its completion in 1950. The house was inducted as a Historic cultural monument by the city of Los Angeles in 1987. Figure 2 Shulman House, Raphael Soriano, 1950 Human Occupancy One of Shulmans prominent features of his photography was the integration of people within his architectural photography. In the early years after photography was invented in 1839, the exposure time required to capture all the architectural details of, a complicated ornamental building on the photographic plate was very long. People were viewed as an unnecessary complication as they could not guarantee to stand still for the entire duration of the shot. This practical barring of people eventually developed into a widely accepted rule brought up by Wim de Wit if one wanted to be taken seriously as an architectural photographer, one should keep people outside the frame of the camera. This attitude towards architectural photography was largely unchanged in the 1930s or 40s when Shulman took up the camera. Modernist architects at that time considered space, massing, texture and color to be the primary tangible determinants for how a building functioned. Photographers were under pressure to promote these aspects rather than how people interacted with the building design. Shulmans approach therefore was unorthodox at the time, he ignored the stereotypical modernist principle of vacant images. He was not interested in wall details or moody empty rooms. Instead, he wanted to show the viewer of his photographs that modern Californian architecture, in spite of its lack of traditional ornament, was livable and an interesting exciting lifestyle choice. Julius Shulman is blessed with the gift of perception the eye that sees! and with it he has become our visual historian. For over 50 years he has shown us how experience can interact with ideas through images. He is what the Greeks had in mind when they said, the soul is like the eye, it never thinks without an image. The mood of the Kaufmann house seen in figure 1 located in Palm Springs California was captured through a long process of time exposures and careful darkroom manipulation. However one of its stand out features is the occupation in this photo of a lady lounging at the pool. Even at the time this divided architects and photographers alike over whether it was diluting the effect of the building with this distraction or ultimately enhancing the reception of the building. Shulman in an interview stated I used her to cover the light in the pool, because the photograph was shot on bulb,, this refers to the camera setting in which the shutter can stay open for a long period of time, unbelievably forty five minutes of an exposure. Its these types of intricate use of people and alternative techniques that add to the photographic art that Shulman is seen to pioneer. Figure 3 Kaufmann House, Palm Springs, 1947, Richard Neutra, Architect Before Julius Shulman arrived on the scene, architectural photography provided exactly what the term implies: photographs of buildings. Such photographs might show single buildings, or groups of buildings, or buildings surrounded by natural landscape; human beings were generally not included. To a certain effect the process has come full circle with a dramatic increase of architectural photography today lacking occupants in the finished buildings publicity shots. Are architects preferring to entice people into their buildings by showing the empty spaces and letting the visitors imagine visiting rather than prescribing their experience there with people within the initial shots. When beginning a photograph Shulman asks the overlying question what does the house represent? His view is that the easiest way to go about portraying the house is through an overall objective full view photograph. However he comments on the pictorial area on the far right of the photo figure 1. The more pictorial architecture elements attached to the living space located there draws the viewers attention and should be the focus of the photograph Another of his successful portrayals of occupancy was the case study house 20 by Buff, Straub and Hensman 1958 figure (?). Shulmans attention to minute detail stemmed as far as telling the young lady in the photo exactly what position to hold the glass aloft which he states was of the utmost importance to the success of the overall photograph. It makes all the difference in the world where her hand was placed. Figure 4 Case Study House 20, Atladena , 1958, Buff , Straub and Hensman Relationship with architects To understand Shulmans photographs you need to understand the close bonds Shulman had with the architects involved and his passion for their work. although having no formal training in architecture through these relationships his architectural vocabulary grew along with his natural photographic abilities. After world war two, book publishers and magazine editors were scrambling for material to fill their publications. Television was still in its infancy allowing the magazine with its diverse subject range and ever changing topics to attract architectural photography. It was during this time a new source of assignments emerged and with it photo journalism was born which enabled Shulman to strike up relationships with many architects while traveling on assignments. Shulman cemented friendships while exposing and engaging people in the architects work through the medium of photography. Richard Neutra Southern California Richard Neutra is seen as having developed an especially appropriate regional architecture, adding a new dimensions to the several regional design systems in that area. His traits which were inspired from simple post and beam construction, were exceptionally modern when applied to residential architecture, his design ethos came into its full range. Transforming buildings into icons, transforming steel and glass into reproducible images, that connected to the viewer yet seemed frozen in time was the challenge set by Californian modernism. Julius Shulman stepped up and took this role, upon meeting Neutra in 1936. One of Neutras apprentices was boarding with Shulmans sister, and he took young Shulman along on a visit to the visually stunning and nearly complete Kun House. (figure 5). Shulman, then an student whod been auditing courses at Berkeley and UCLA for seven years not really sure what his career path would be, shot photos of the crisp white house, using his pocket camera and a tripod. When Neutra saw the snapshots, he realised Shulmans special talent, an ability to capture the aesthetic and emotional intention of designs. The photographer Edward Weston fell in love with stunning cracks in buckly plaster, Neutra complained. His wonderful photos could have served as evidence in court against a plastering contractor. Understandably, the architect preferred Shulmans idealized portraits. Its the stories of each photo that can at times add so much to Shulmans work, especially when digital technology is so widespread today. The details that had to be considered and sheer effort that had to be taken for a singular shot was incredible. For the next thirty-four years, until Neutras death in 1970, the two collaborated. Through his work with Neutra, Shulman met other California modernists, including Pierre Koenig, Rudolf Schindler, Gregory Ain, Gordon Drake and Frank Lloyd. The architects created the buildings and concepts, but Shulman created the pictures that would communicate and interpret the buildings to the general public. It is important to look at the relationships between the architect and Shulman along with the images that made them famous and captured their essence. Figure 5 Kauffmann House Figure 6- Kun House , Neutra Figure 7 Treweek Residence , Neutra Pierre Koenig The architecture of Pierre Koenig, demonstrated an elegance formed from design process that merged plan, structure and nature into a single calming experience. With the use of steel and glass he evolved fresh and exciting solutions to some of the notoriously difficult aesthetic and structural problems at the time. One of his first houses made from steel and glass built in 1950 launched him on an internationally acclaimed career. When Arts and Architecture magazine was seeking inventive architects for their Case Study Houses, they chose Koenig to design Case Study House 22. Over the years Case Study House 22 has become an iconic symbol of Southern California living. It is a spectacular house soaring above the city below, with long cantilevered roof and floor overhangs that extend the viewers line of vision to the distant ocean and the horizon beyond. This appealed and at the same time challenged Shulman to produce one of his most famous images. Shulmans photograph of the Case Study House 22 The architecture critic Paul Goldberger called the photograph one of those singular images that sums up an entire city at a moment in time. In an interview with Shelter Shulman recollected what a unique experience the shoot actually was.Whilst visiting the house with two young ladies who were sitting in the living room when Shulman began, the shot was initially to be an interior shot, however when Shulman exited to get a breath of air he observed the girls sitting with the furniture being illuminated, with the view outdoors to Los Angeles. Shulman ran into the house and brought camera out to change the composition, multiple exposures was taken due to the interior lights being circular, flood lights where needed to make the girls visible with instant exposure. He turned off all the lights in house and flood lights were taken out and flash bulbs were put in instead for instant exposure. Shulman the called the called girls and said to sit in darkness for a short time to allow the exposure to burn the city lights into the negative, a few moments later a flash bulb went off recording them in the scene. But somehow that one scene expresses what architecture is all about. What if I hadnt gone outside to see the view? I would have missed a historic photograph, and more than that, we would have missed the opportunity to introduce this kind of architecture to the world. Rudolph Schindler Schindler is seen as the least understood of the American pioneers of modern architecture. In the 1930s Schindler used a skin construction as opposed to a structural skeleton, because of the flexibility by which forms might be organized without having to respect a structural grid. Through this freedom, he felt, modern architecture might achieve what the past had referred to as style. Schindler contacted Shulman as a result of his successful work with Neutra. Shulman described his relationship with Schindler as a cordial one. Schindler never attended an assignment with Shulman personally. He provided him with essential critiques of his photographs. Shulman recalled a critique of a photograph of Schindlers Daughterly house in Santa Monica. Schindler challenged Shulman on his over use of flood lights whilst photographing illustrating his point by showing Shulman naturally illuminated walls differentiating angular light. Shulman was always open to criticism and expanded and broadened his skills and knowledge from the top architects he encountered. Neutra was the first architect Shulman had met and all his photographs had been accepted with additions requested. This impressed Schindler resulting in Schindler asking Shulman to photograph the Fitzpatrick House in Los Angeles, in 1937 (figure 11+12). This was a fine example of Schindlers spatial ideas of form and movement. In his later projects, some of the crispness of his earlier work was lost as the overall forms became more fragmented. Shulman went on to photograph many of Schindlers work including one of Schindlers finest houses Buck House 1934 (Figure 13). The L-shaped plan with changes in ceiling height which allowed Shulman to exploit the diagonal views. The Large glazed sections open out to the south garden area. Gregory Ain Ains interest in group housing for middle- and low-income families began in his 1937 Dunsmuir Flats. Shulmans image of the four staggered two-story white blocks, the ceiling levels defined by continuous ribbon windows exemplify his design ethos. The panel-post construction was an early effort to reduce cost and was radical at the time. Ain adapted many contractors practices for large or small houses to save construction time and reduce cost. Gregory Ain was seen as the first architect in California to refine the low-cost house. This was exemplified in his Dunsmuir Apartments figure (15). Shulmans photographs enabled the work of pioneers like Ain to be eagerly accepted into professional journals. Shulman commented on how the editors themselves were learning as a result of his photographs to select and present the results of his work. Ains houses impressed the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) greatly and that they commissioned him to design a house in New York on the museum grounds (figure 15). It furthered his workable efficient design ethos and brought his work to a larger audience a recurring effect of Shulmans photographs Gordon Drake Shulman regarded Gordon Drake as a massively overlooked architect and integral to the progression of modern architecture. Although his career was short Drake won many international awards. Shulman cherished their friendship greatly recalling their first meeting in 1946 having been called to Drakes house (figure 16+17) in West Los Angeles. Shulman met his crew who shulman described as All were filled with enthusiasm, possessing a fervor to perform fulfilling architecture , inspired by the spirit of Drake. Shulman fell in love with the house and what it represented discovering that Drakes design was one of the most ingenious assemblies ever to confront me; the photography of which was one of the most joyous and rewarding episodes of my ten years association with architecture. The year the photograph was taken 1946 was the year progressive architecture magazine was running a competition for recognition of architects attempting to improve contemporary standards. In a massively over confident manoeuver Shulman placed a copy of the magazine in the shots of the house which went on to won the award as foretold by Shulman himself. Shulman cherished both his friendship with Drake and his association with what he called a man of brilliant expression, whose designs where not only functional , but adhered so favorably to his clients needs. Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright, was seen as the leader for American modern architecture around the world. He understood human needs and applied them to his work. Above all he sought repose, a peaceful environment free of stress which catered to the mental health and happiness of the occupants. Shulman has been compared to Wright as their work seems to become more accessible over time rather than instantaneously upon completion. In 1950 Shulman met Wright for the first time at the Taliesin West seen in figure (18) where Wright allowed him free reign to wander and snap photos unaccompanied which suited Shulmans work ethos very well. My broad knowledge of current architecture and my acquaintance with scores of architects throughout the nation and numbers abroad seemed to arouse his curiosity. It was this that bonded the pair and a lot of discussion between the two was on the topic the relationships of architects and clients and how streamlining the interactions can have a great effect on the outcome. Shulman had at first regarded Wright from here say from other sources as a belligerent, angry person. Wright did not deny these claims, however pointed out that the sources had probably never met him in person. Shulman had achieved what very few have ever with Wright that of engaging in personal discussions noting that our spontaneous bond resulted from smooth flowing stream of objectivity. Shulman allowed Wright to freely evaluate any photos he obtained from the buildings upon completion at the V.C Morris building figure (20+21). He allowed Wright to study them closely. Upon finding a good one Wright exclaimed at last someone understands in a photograph, my statement you have penetrated the spirit of my design! One of Shulmans famous Frank Lloyd Wright photographs of the Guggenheim interior was commented on by an Architectural historian , during a visit to his studio. Often one photograph creates a fulfilling statement. This one says it all. Figure (22) Due to Shulmans hands on close relationships with the architects that he worked with Shulman was often asked what differences have struck him about the many modernist architects he has worked with diverse designs from the likes of Neutra and Wright. His response was one of indifference he didnt see each designers ideas as radically different. He would compose a scene as long as he could identify with the individuals theme. The love of the building itself was integral to Shulmans work he chose his buildings and shot only subjects he enjoyed or related to. The close up From looking at Shulmans relationship with architects you can see that his personality and persona was as famous as his work. He was a skilled networker and socialite rather than a pedantic mysterious photographer. He blurred the lines of professional conduct with his friendships with clients. Shulmans extremely confident demeanor aided him greatly in the success of his work. Shulman was never afraid to self publicise and right up to his death was a fervent fan of his own work. If Shulman isnt the guest of honour, he is the moment he walks in the door. He assumes he will have an audience, and hes always right. In 1997, Benedikt Taschen responsible for the one hit Shulman nickname purchased Lautners, Chemosphere House, the eight-sided flying saucer that Shulman photographed, and it is where he stays when not in Miami or Cologne. Taschen said that if Shulman had not photographed the buildings featured in his extensive books catalogues, many of which have been razed, the world would never have known them. Figure 23 Lautners Chemosphere Shulman is know to say yes to any opportunity to speak about himself, his work , Los Angeles, architecture or art. He is known for his ability to talk for hours and no matter how many people are there or the subject matter the conversation always centers around him. Shulman identified a problem in architecture that has plagued the profession since its conception. He quipped that it was the worlds greatest problem is lack of communication, It leads to wars and failed marriages. The overuse of words also riled the photographer, som