Thursday, August 27, 2020

Decision analysis ( Supply Chain management class ) Research Paper

Choice investigation ( Supply Chain the executives class ) - Research Paper Example The writing audit directed for an examination study helps the analyst to build up a hypothetical information in regards to the topic with the assistance of the exploration works of famous writers and researchers. The writing survey of the current paper has been encircled based on books, diaries and other academic distributions. The reason behind utilizing such materials is to make fitting scholastic reason for achieving the exploration. Through the writing audit, the specialist can accomplish clearness of thoughts. It likewise aids the improvement of reasonable justification for considering the subject of the examination. It has been guaranteed by the analyst that the writing audit lays its attention on the essential destinations of the paper which is to basically assess the job of choice investigation in flexibly chain the board. Toward the end, an end has been detailed based on the examination. In the ongoing age, the idea of choice examination has picked up prominence in the business key administration. The quick expanding sway which this field of dynamic has made on associations, both private and open is perceptible. The specialty units are constantly occupied with settling on vital and basic choices so as to increase over their rivals and to prevail over the long haul. Significant advancement in principle, computational strategies and displaying devices are credited to the jumps in software engineering which has settled on the dynamic procedure a fundamental division of business (Cooper and Schindler, 2003). Anderson, et al. (2015) characterizes Decision investigations as an efficient, visual and quantitative methodology used by the organizations so as to assess and address crucial decisions that the organizations manage. Choice investigation actualizes various instruments to extricate every important datum that are required to locate an ideal arrangement during the time spent dynamic. The term choice examination was first instituted by Ronald A. Howard in 1964 (Hatten, 2015).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Self

Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? These inquiries have astounded the brains of mankind for quite a long time, since man had the option to advance an idea of self and think about his own temperament. Man has progressed significantly since that day, however has no further answers in the mission for Self-Concept. What our identity is, and consistently will be an impression of various yet singular social orders and conditions in which we live. The jobs we play in our particular social orders give us a position of having a place and self. The self as a substance exists on two levels: mental and physical. Different conditions and living spaces are what give us our singularity and our thoughts of self. What I mean is; would I be a similar individual I am currently on the off chance that I was brought up in state, Saudi Arabia? Is my perspective on my self equivalent to my optimal self? I am tall; dainty have short hair, reasonably objective situated. Is this how I saw myself ten years prior. Am I a similar individual I was ten years back? I am and I'm most certainly not. I am still in a similar body, just greater and still have a large portion of similar interests and perspectives on things, but on the other hand I'm unique. I have extended my insight, and expounded on a few and changed a few perspectives I once had. I was conceived in Canada and raised with the social standards and estimations of that of a Christian rather than that of a Muslim. I have never experienced war or lived in a general public constrained by a Monarchy. My whole way of life would be extraordinary. My childhoo d would be extraordinary. Every one of my encounters would be extraordinary. My concept of standard and considerations on sex, race and religion w! ould be varied. I would have various objectives and legends and exercises for satisfaction. I would be a totally unexpected individual in comparison to I am presently, because of the way that I was brought up in an altogether unexpected culture in comparison to my own. My concept of self would contain modified perspectives than now. Starting at now, I live and have consistently lived in a free, serene society. The job I hold in my particular society makes me who I am and gives me a pla... Free Essays on Self Free Essays on Self Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? These inquiries have confounded the psyches of mankind for quite a long time, since man had the option to develop an idea of self and think about his own tendency. Man has made some amazing progress since that day, yet has no further answers in the journey for Self-Concept. What our identity is, and consistently will be an impression of various yet singular social orders and situations in which we live. The jobs we play in our particular social orders give us a position of having a place and self. The self as an element exists on two levels: mental and physical. Different conditions and living spaces are what give us our independence and our thoughts of self. What I mean is; would I be a similar individual I am presently on the off chance that I was brought up in state, Saudi Arabia? Is my perspective on my self equivalent to my optimal self? I am tall; flimsy have short hair, reasonably objective arranged. Is this how I saw myself ten years back. Am I a similar individual I was ten years prior? I am and I'm most certainly not. I am still in a similar body, just greater and still have a large portion of similar interests and perspectives on things, but on the other hand I'm unique. I have extended my insight, and expounded on a few and changed a few perspectives I once had. I was conceived in Canada and raised with the social standards and estimations of that of a Christian instead of that of a Muslim. I have never experienced war or lived in a general public constrained by a Monarchy. My whole way of life would be extraordinary. My childhoo d would be extraordinary. Every one of my encounters would be extraordinary. My concept of standard and musings on sex, race and religion w! ould be varied. I would have various objectives and saints and exercises for happiness. I would be a totally unexpected individual in comparison to I am currently, because of the way that I was brought up in a completely unexpected culture in comparison to my own. My concept of self would contain changed perspectives than now. Starting at now, I live and have consistently lived in a free, tranquil society. The job I hold in my particular society makes me who I am and gives me a pla...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Different Kinds of Essay Writing

Different Kinds of Essay WritingThere are many different kinds of essay writing that you can use to write your essay. Each one will have its own benefits and drawbacks. Some you may think are disadvantages but some are actually very advantageous for you to know about.This type of essay is the shortest type to write. It is very simple and you don't need to be that creative or use any of the flash cards, mnemonics, or other tools that you might use in a longer essay. Usually this kind of essay is used as a college-level paper. As with most essays you want to use the most simple words that will fit your topic and make it easy to read.Your topic is going to be important for this type of essay. You should use a topic that is more related to your essay than what you write. A good example would be if you were writing an essay on how to cure a disease, your topic would be on how to cure that disease by studying the symptoms and how it relates to the human body. You wouldn't write a topic on how to cure an illness through reading an encyclopedic book or watching a video about it. You'd use the subject of your topic to talk about how to cure the disease.Another benefit of this type of essay is that you have the ability to be very descriptive about what you are talking about. You can use that to help the reader to better understand what you are trying to say. Sometimes you might not be able to do this in a longer paper. For example, when you use a flash card to demonstrate a point you can describe it and the student can use their memory to recall the image. With a short essay you can explain it in a brief way and still provide a visual to help remember the concept.The drawback with this type of essay is that it takes the most amount of time to write and edit. It is usually the first essay you write and so you want to make sure it is right. This type of essay requires more work means more time spent on it. Some students will use this as an extra paper because they will put time into their first paper but won't put as much into their second.The next type of essay is called different types of essay. This is not really an essay but an opinion piece. This is your chance to tell your story and tell your ideas. It is your chance to show how you came to your decision and explain why you came to that decision.Another benefit of this type of essay is that you are allowed to use a few different types of vocabulary. This is something you can't do in a longer essay. You can use many different words and phrases that will help your story flow and make it easier for the reader to follow.Like all essays, this type of essay can be used in several ways. You have the flexibility to put your ideas into words and your opinion into something you can show a computer or other audience.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Just Mercy A Story Of Justice And Redemption Essay

Just Mercy: A story of Justice and Redemption is an autobiography of the author, Bryan Stevenson and a chronicle of injustice within the American judicial system. The principal story recounts Walter McMillian’s wrongful conviction for the murder of Ronda Morrison in 1986. Interweaved throughout the McMillian story, Stevenson presents his personal story about being raised in a racially segregated community, attending Harvard Law School, and founding the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). Individual chapters address topics ranging from mass incarceration to mental illness to racism to wrongful convictions. The major cases, secondary to McMillian’s case, focus on juveniles sentences to life without parole. Overall, Just Mercy is a scathing examination of race, justice, and mercy in court rooms and prisons across America. Stevenson was born into an impoverished and segregated African American community in Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware. Stevenson applied to Harvard Law School af ter graduating from an institution, in Pennsylvania, with a degree in philosophy. At Harvard, Stevenson pursued a law degree and a graduate degree in public policy from the Kennedy School of Government. Then, in 1983, while taking a court about race and poverty litigation, Stevenson volunteered at the Southern Prisoners Defense Committee (SPDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Upon graduation, Stevenson returned to SPDC for a full-time job. During his fourth year at SPDC, Stevenson learned about the McMillian case.Show MoreRelatedJust Mercy : A Story Of Justice And Redemption1276 Words   |  6 Pagesmake the changes with his profession. In the book, â€Å"Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption† written by Bryan Stevenson, and published in 2014. Stevenson described the real various law cases to show the injustice exists in the past United States until now, and how he as a lawyer to take the risks to challenge the unfair justice, and to dedicate to serve and defend the poor, the w rongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the justice system who desperate and in need; at the same timeRead MoreJust Mercy : A Story Of Justice And Redemption980 Words   |  4 Pagespride in our country and ourselves has steered our nation onto a path of corruption. It has persuaded almost every person to care more for themselves than their neighbour, not to mention a stranger. In Bryan Stevenson’s novel, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, Americans’ lack of care or concern for others is unveiled through our mistreatment of the condemned. Our selfishness has bled into our laws and beliefs, which has caused malpractice in and out of the courtroom. One of the mostRead MoreJust Mercy : A Story Of Justice And Redemption1849 Words   |  8 PagesThe book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, written by Bryan Stevenson is about the bias and unjustness in the United States justice system. The book begins when Stevenson was an intern for the Southern Prisoners Defense Committee (SPDC), it was during that time that he had his first encounter with a condemned man on death row. During that meeting the inmate talked about an array of things: from his personal life and family, to the unethical happenings during his trial. It was that chanceRead MoreJust Mercy : A Story Of Justice And Redemption By Bryan Stevenson1959 Words   |  8 PagesIn the book Just Mercy: A story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson, there are several topics discussed regarding the American Justice system. One of those many topics discussed is regarding how a person’s race, social status and income, may influence the outcome of a court tr ail. In present day America, many years after the era of Jim crow and segregation the Justice system still seems to be more lenient towards white Americans, especially those with high income and a good standing in societyRead MoreAnalysis Of Bryan Stevensons Just Mercy761 Words   |  4 PagesBryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption is a story of innocents sentenced to death row (2015). As an attorney at law, he sheds light on the fraudulent Criminal Justice System with the corruption of cops and prison guards, bribed witnesses, and paid off judges. Written in first person, Stevenson’s (2015) account depicts 50 years of debasement of the Criminal Justice System. Telling the accounts of corruption in first person and using dialogue that included the actual victimsRead MoreBryan Stevenson : Just Mercy1453 Words   |  6 Pages Bryan Stevenson: Just Mercy Maya Pimentel Middle College High School Intro Many are put onto death row without actually having a fighting chance to plead their case, provide the full story, and prove their innocence. Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer who fights for those who have been left for dead and aren’t given a second chance. Bryan Stevenson is a social justice activist, the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, and a clinical professorRead MoreAnalysis Of Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson1402 Words   |  6 PagesLooking at the cover of the book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redempt, written by Bryan Stevenson, one could not understand what would be thrown at them after opening the crisp pages. Breaking the title of the book down, we know what ‘mercy’ is defined as the feeling toward offenders through a person with the ability to oversee justice within our system. Furthermore, the two words ‘just mercy’ is implied that our officials that are administering the justice within our system go about it inRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The United States979 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever question about the justice in the United States? Stevenson states that, â€Å"Today we have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. The prison population has increased from 300,000 people in the early 1970s to 2.3 million people today† (15). Is United States is a modern country that doesn’t serve justice to her citizen? 2.3 million of prisoners are just embarrassing the whole country. You might want to know how bad the justice system is and how the heck cause 2.3 million prisonersRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The United States980 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever questioned about the justice in the United States? Stevenson states that, â€Å"Today we have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. The prison population has increased from 300,000 people in the early 1970s to 2.3 million people today† (15). United States is a modern country that doesn’ t serve justice to her citizen? 2.3 million prisoners are just embarrassing the whole country. You might want to know how bad the justice system is and how the heck cause 2.3 million prisoners toRead MoreImperialism And Imperialism911 Words   |  4 Pagesexamples of what choices you have to make Money, trade, debts, growth, choosing the easy things over the hard ones. â€Å"The opposite of property is not wealth the opposite of poverty is justice† (Stevenson, Just mercy)this is from just mercy it saying without money you can’t get a good lawyer and you won’t get good justice. Social relate to people and people and society.You have to be good at conversation to be a good leader and learn you have to compromise and do what you want you have to think about

Friday, May 15, 2020

Financial markets in u.K for the morrison plc. - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3945 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Executive Summary: The following assignment focuses on the financial analysis of the annual reports and the effects of the developments and the downturn in the financial markets in U.K for the Morrison Plc. This assignment talks about the financial condition of Morrison plc in London in last few years. In order to analyze the financial statements we have used different financial tools such as ratio analysis to examine the financial condition of the company. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial markets in u.K for the morrison plc." essay for you Create order The recession has hit the worlds economy in last few years and had varying degree of effects on the economies of the companies. Some companies were able to cope up and some lost their financial stability. Companies tried various means such as cost cutting in order to cope up with the financial distress. This assignment talks about the financial condition of the Morrison plc after the global recessional hit. It also talks about the various measures or strategies adopted by the Morrison to overcome the recession. Discussion also includes ratio analysis of Morrison plc in UK and comparing it with its competitor Sainsbury. Introduction The food retail industry is one of the fastest and the biggest growing industry in UK with lots of competition over the price and the quality of the products due to presence of lots of competitors providing the service. Few of the major players of this industry in UK market are Sainsbury, Tesco, Morrison and Asda. Morrison was founded by William Morrison in 1899 in west Yorkshire in England. He started the business with a small stall in the Bradford market and has grown with time to become a giant player in food retail industry of UK. Morrison started its market operations and continued them for a long time in North of England. In the year 2004 Morrison acquired Safeway and expanded its market operations to southern England. Morrison plc is the UKs fourth largest retailer with 425 stores across Britain and focuses on food and grocery. They source and process fresh food and meat through their own manufacturing units giving them more control over the quality of their products. It has more than 100 years of experience in supermarket business. Approximately nine million customers visit their stores each day and they have around 124,000 colleagues to take care of their customers. It has its warehouses and plants both in UK and abroad to take care of its demand and supply requirement. Some of the subsidiaries of Morrison plc are- Farmers boy limited Neerock limited Safeway limited Rathbone kear limited Optimization developments limited Bos brothers fruit and vegetables Farock insurance company limited Optimization developments limited On Jan 28, 2010: Loblaw joined as COO in Morrison and on Jan 27, 2010 it appointed a new Non-Executive Director. On Jan 27, 2010 it had new chief executive to its Board. Morrison plc received Red Tractor certification for fresh meats on March 03,2010. On Feb 25, 2010: Morrison joined Zetes wireless IT solution. Morrison showed an increase in the group turnover, earning before tax, earning per share and total dividend per share for the fiscal year 2010 as compared to 2009.these financial highlights shows that the overall performance was good for the company as well as for the share holders but it showed an increase in net debt in 2010 with respect to previous year which is a negative factor for its financial stability. The strategy and vision of the company is to become â€Å"food specialist for everyone†. With this simple mission and vision the company has focused on the quality and the service for their products through their own manufacturing and distribution system which has proved efficient enough for the positive financial growth of the company during the last few years. Morrison market share has also showed an increase during the last four years with 11.9% in 2007 and increasing to 12.6% in 2010. Morrison share of grocers UK 2010 is 12.6% as compared to Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys (combined) 63.5%, Premium (combined) 5.8% and discounters and others (combined) 18.1%. Recently Morrison is working on making use of digital technology for the marketing purpose by developing a mobile enabled website and applications for the I-Phone due to growing use of Smart phones and mobile phones for the shopping purpose. Analysis and Evaluation Financial analysis can be defined as study of the working of an organization in order to plan, budget, monitor, forecast and improve the financials of an organization. Financial Analysis can also be defined as the study of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account in order to relate them in such a way to conclude the financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm. Financial analysis of a company helps in decision making as it gives various information about the firm such as:- firms long-term debt commitment shareholder return financial distress market share growth rate etc All this information helps in doing future forecasts for the company. Financial analysis of a company gives the following information about the business of the company: A profitability of the business B ability to pay the bills or debts C efficient use of assets D dividend per share etc The study and analysis of financial statements of a company is useful for:- Investors Managers Employees Suppliers and creditors Government agencies Public Environmental groups Researchers (academic and professional) Customers Lenders Financial analysts Tools and Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis: Horizontal and Vertical Analysis Ratio Analysis 1 Horizontal Analysis Analyzing the financial statements of a company for two or more years and comparing them. For example: the sales for the year 2010 were 20 million pounds, 30 million pounds in 2011 and so on. In percentage it can be calculated as 30-20/20 * 100=50% increase for 2011 Vertical analysis- This analysis is usually carried out on the PL account and the balance sheet. The figures in the statements are calculated as the percentage of total amount. For example: if trade debtors were 20m pounds and balance sheet total was 50m pounds in 2011 and for 2012 it was 40m pounds and 80m pounds respectively. Debtors can be expressed in percentage of balance sheet total as for 2011 , 40%of the balance sheet total(20*100/50=40%) and similarly for 2012 , 50% of balance sheet total. 2 Ratio Analysis It is most widely used and powerful tool for the analysis of financial statements. It is done by expressing one term in terms of another. Ratio analysis can be used to a nalyse the financial statements in order to examine the strength and weakness and the past and present performance and financial conditioned can be interpreted. Top of Form Bottom of Form Profitability Ratios: Profitability ratios can be defined as the evaluation of the total output produced or the performance efficiency of the company. As the name suggests, profitability ratios are concerned with the efficiency of a business in achieving its targets and generating profits or returns on the invested capital. So profitability ratios are one of the financial analytical tools by means of which we can judge the ability of a business to generate profits or earnings with respect to the expense met with the business. They measure the firms performance by comparing the profits produced by the firm with the size. Assets and the sales made by the firm. There are different types of profitability ratios as follows: 1 Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) as the name suggests this ratio is a measure of the return or the gain that a company gets by investing its finance and resources. It can be defined as the percentage of return with respect to the capital employed. Formula:- ROCE = [profit before interest and tax/capital employed] x100 For the Morrison plc measure of ROCE ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (369/3927) x100=9.39 In 2008- (612/4378) x100=13.97 In 2009- (655/4520) x100=14.49 2007 2008 2009 9.39 13.97 14.49 The above data shows that there is an increase in ROCE over the years for Morrison plc which shows that the return on capital employed has shown an improvement over the years which is a good symbol for the success of the business. 2 Net Profit Margin- it can be defined as the amount of profit a company makes from every pound of the total revenue it produce or sales it makes. Its good for the company to have more net profit margin as compared to its rivals. Formula: Net Profit Margin= [profit before interest and tax/sales or turnover] x100 For the Morrison plc measure of net profit margin ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (369/11826) x100=3.12 In 2008- (612/12151) x100=5.03 In 2009- (655/13615) x100=4.81 2007 2008 2009 3.12 5.03 4.81 The above data shows that the net profit margin shows an increase from 2007 to 2008 but then gradually decreased in 2009.This shows that the performance has gone down with respect to the profit the company has made in the previous year. 3 Net Asset Turnovers- It can be defined as the measure of how capable the management of a firm is in producing returns by the best and optimal utilization of firms net assets. If this ratio is very large it signifies very low investment while if the ratio is very small it signifies inept management. Formula: sales or turnover/capital employed For the Morrison plc measure of net asset turnover ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 11826/3927=3.01 In 2008- 12151/4378=2.77 In 2009- 13615/4520=3.01 2007 2008 2009 3.01 2.77 3.01 4 Gross Profit Margin- The gross profit margin ratio can be defined as the amount of profit a firm can produce with respect to the cost of sales, or cost of goods sold. We can also state it as the amount of gross profit a company makes compared to each 1 pound of the total turnover a business is able to make. Gross profit is the amount of profit we get before we deduct any cost of administration, sales etc. thus its good if net profit margin is lower then the gross profit margin. Formula- [gross profit/sales or turnover] x100 For the Morrison plc measure of gross profit margin ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (636/11826) x100=5.37 In 2008- (818/12151) x100=6.73 In 2009- (913/13615) x100=6.70 2007 2008 2009 5.37 6.73 6.70 From the study of above data we have seen that the gross profit margin in higher than the net profit margin for Morrison plc over the years 2007,2008 and 2009 which is good for the financial condition of the company. Activity ratios- it can be defined as how actively or quickly a company is able to change the assets into sales or cash. Different types of activity ratios are as follows: 1 Stock days or stock turnover- it can be defined as the measure of the amount of time a company needs to convert its stock into sales. The lesser is the stock days or stock turnover, lower is the cost incurred by the company in holding stock. Formula- [stock or inventory/cost of sales] x365 For the Morrison plc stock days or stock turnover ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (368/11826) x365=11 days In 2008- (442/12151) x365=13 days In 2009- (494/13615) x365=13 days 2007 2008 2009 11 days 13 days 13 days It has gradually increased from the year 2007 to 2008 and then remained constant. Company should work on plans to be able to make it as small as it can to incur the minimum cost for holding the stock. 2 Fixed Asset Turnover- It can be defined as the sales produced from the fixed assets of a company. Formula- sales or turnover/fixed assets For the Morrison plc fixed asset turnover ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 12462/6605=1.8 In 2008- 12969/6726=1.9 In 2009- 14528/7160= 2.02 2007 2008 2009 1.8 1.9 2.02 3 sales/net current assets- this ratio indicates the level of working capital required for a given level of sales while analyzing the financial statements.A reduction in this ratio is a negative sign, signifying that company may have slowed production, lessening the quantity of stock Formula- sales or turnover/net current assets For the Morrison plc sales/net current assets ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 12462/766=16.26 times In 2008- 12969/910=14.25 times In 2009- 14528/1066=13.62 times 2007 2008 2009 16.26 14.25 13.62 From the above data we can see that the sales/net current assets ratio has decreased during the years 2007, 2008, 2009, which is a negative sign. Liquidity Ratios- It can be defined as one of the financial analytical toolthatis usedto determine a companys ability to disburse itsshort-terms debts obligations. Different types of liquidity ratios are as follows- 1 current ratio- it can be defined as the measure of the capability of a company to fulfill its financial obligations that are outstanding. It is also called as â€Å"Liquidity Ratio†, â€Å"current asset ratio† and â€Å"cash ratio†. Higher is the current ratio better it is because it shows that the company has higher degree of ability to fulfill its short-term debt obligation that is falling due. Formula- current assets/current liabilities For the Morrison plc current ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 766/1855=0.41 In 2008- 910/1853=0.49 In 2009- 10 66/2024=0.52 2007 2008 2009 0.41 0.49 0.52 From the above data we can see that the current ratio has shown an increasing trend for the financial years 2007, 2008 and 2009 in Morrison plc which is good as it indicates that the companys ability to fulfill its short term debts and obligations has increased over the years. 2 Quick ratio this ratio can be defined as the measure of the liquidity of a company. It is the capability of a firm to meet its debts, liabilities and obligations. It is also known as â€Å"acid test ratio†. This ratio can be derived by lessening stock from the current assets and then dividing by current liabilities. Quick ratio is an indicator of the financial strength and weakness of a company (more is the value of this ratio means stronger the firm is and lower value signifies that the company is weak). Formula- current assets less stocks/current liabilities For the Morrison plc quick ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (766-368)/1855=0.21 In 2008- (910 -442)/1853=0.25 In 2009- (1066-494)/2024=0.28 2007 2008 2009 0.21 0.25 0.28 From the above data we can see that the quick ratio has shown a gradual increase over the financial years 2007, 2008 and 2009 which is a good signal as higher is the value if quick ratio indicates that the firm is financially strong. CALCULATIONS FOR THE RATIO ANALYSIS OF SAINSBURY:- ROCE For the Sainsbury plc measure of ROCE ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (477/3762) x100=12.67 In 2008- (479/3716) x100=12.89 In 2009- (466/3826) x100=12.17 Net profit margin For the Sainsbury plc measure of net profit margin ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (477/15979) x100=2.98 In 2008- (479/16835) x100=2.84 In 2009- (466/17875) x100=2.60 Net asset turnover For the Sainsbury plc measure of net asset turnover ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 15979/3762=4.24 In 2008- 16835/3716=4.53 In 2009- 17875/3826=4.67 Gross profit margin For the Sainsbury plc measure of gross profit margin ratio is stated below for the years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (1172/15979) x100=7.33 In 2008- (1002/16835) x100=5.95 In 2009- (1036/17875) x100=5.79 Stock days or stock turnover ratio For the Sainsbury plc measure of stock days or stock turnover ratio is stated below for t he years 2007- 2009:- In 2007 (590/15979) x365=13 days In 2008- (681/16835) x365=15 days In 2009- (689/17875) x365=14 days Effects and Development This is a world of globalization and every business wants to expand its reach outside the territories of its own country in order to explore new markets and customers and earn more money. Global recession is the most talked and topic of major concern for all the businesses worldwide. Global recession has hit the markets world wide adversely affecting the businesses of every trade. It all started in United States due to various reasons such as downfall in the house prices, deficiency or unavailability of finance resulting in credit crunch, inflation causing reduction in incomes earned and disposed etc. Global recession entered the territories of most of the countries worldwide affecting their economies and brought a downturn as we have seen in 2008-2009. The global recession caused a lot of problems such as- Inflation-the prices of the commodities and products and other supplies started rising causing a problem for the buyers. Downfall in the wages and salaries People were thrown out of jobs by the companies in order to cut the cost. Due to downfall in income earned their was a downfall in the disposable incomes of the consumers which resulted in a vicious circle and inturn continued in adversely effecting the growth and stability of economies and markets of the countries. The global recession also affected the markets of UK bringing downturn in the economy of the country as seen from 2008-2009 and the conditions are now improving and expected to improve more in upcoming years. The UK labor market- The changes in the UK labor market were first observed in the second quarter of was seen that their was a 3.6% increase in claimant count,5.6% decrease in vacancy levels and 14% increase in redundancy level with respect to the previous quarter. There was a fall of 0.3% in the employment levels and 0.4% fall in workforce jobs in third quarter of 2008. The unemployment rate in UK was recorded as 5.8% for consecutive three months in resulted in downfall of disposable income as people tried to cut down their expenses. Disposable income- the increasing unemployment and inflation and due to the fall in the incomes earned, there was a downfall recorded in the amount of disposable income of the consumers by the recessional hit during the years 2008-2009. Inflation-As per the national statistics online, an annual inflation rate of 4.5% was recorded in October was observed that the rise in the cost of fuels and lubricants in 2008 which later fell down in 2009 had adversely affected the consumer price index. Interest rate- The interest rate fall from 4.5% in October 2008 to 1.1% in September made it easier for people to borrow money due to less interest rate. Savings were reduced due to low interest rate. The weakening of currency made imports costing more for UK. The graph below explains the interest rate in UK Exchange rate-the UK exchange rate decreased from 2008-2009 due to the recessional hit and the weakening of currency. This made the imports more difficult for UK. The currency kept on weakening recording the all time low of 1.0219 GBP in December, 2009. The recession showed hard times to companies. Morrison was able to continue its strong growth rate of 7.8 percent from the year 2007.though the UK market was under recession but the Morrison was able to continue its trend of attracting and indulging large customers to buy they products. The Morrisons product prices were hit by inflation. During duration of 24 months company was able to have 1.1 million customers visiting its stores every week drawn through the customers of all the other strong competitors in the supermarket industry. Morrison thinks that it will be able to carry on its ability to attract more customers to visit their stores in the time to come. The downturn in the economy had adverse effects on the prices which were inflated and customers had to bear this entire problem. Morrison at the same time tried to convince and attract more customers by emphasizing and focusing on the value of their products for its customers. Morrison is a manufacturer and a retailer and this helped the Morrison to compete and survive in the bad times of downturn in the economy. Morrison was able to offer very competitive prices and attractive offers on its products backed up by its strong promotion helped the Morrison to attract the customers. Due to its own manufacturing Morrison was able to provide fresh items to its customers from its own manufacturing facility which its competitors were lagging in. It was able to enjoy its competence of providing fresh products to its customers but at the same time Morrison also focused on the quality of its products. It got the advantage of being the single giant retailer in UK to provide 100 percent British beef, poultry, lamb and pork. Customers were really convinced with the Morrisons policy which was in favor of and promoting the use of British farming and its focus of providing the fresh products with British standards to its customers. It was observed that Morrison was able to attract more customers as compared to its competitors during the Christmas as said by the chief executive officer of Morrison Marc Bolland. The Morrison was able to sho w a strong growth figure of 9 percents which was recorder to be highest when compared to the other four leading players in the supermarket industry of UK. COMPARISON Morrison Sainsbury Return on capital employed (ROCE) 14.49 12.17 Net profit margin 4.81 2.60 Net asset turnover 3.01 4.67 Gross profit margin 6.70 5.79 Stock days or stock turnover ratio 13 days 14 days Current ratio 0.52 0.66 Quick ratio 0.28 0.31 Ratio analysis carried on Morrison and Sainsbury for the financial year 2009 In the above table we have shown some ratios for Morrison plc and Sainsbury for the financial year can be seen that the return on capital invested(ROCE) ratio is high in case of Morrison. So Morrison has good return on the amount of capital employed. This is positive for the performance of Morrison. The net profit margin of Morrison is more than Sainsbury which means that Morrison has made more profits than Sainsbury with respect to their turnovers respectively. The net asset turnover ratio of Sainsbury is more than Morrison, which means Sainsbury has made low investments and the Morrison, have inept management of its resources. Stock turnover ratio of Morrison is less than Sainsbury which is good for its performance as Morrison is taking less time to sell its stock and convert it into capital. The current ratio of Sainsbury is more than Morrison, which means Sainsbury has more abi lity to fulfill its short term debts. The quick ratio of Sainsbury is also higher than Morrison, which means Sainsbury has more financial strength than Morrison. Similarly we can interpret and compare the results of the financial performance of Sainsbury and Morrison for the past two years 2007 and 2008 from the data shown in the tables below. Ratio analysis carried on Morrison and Sainsbury for the financial year 2008 MORRISON SAINSBURY Return on capital employed (ROCE) 13.97 12.89 Net profit margin 5.03 2.84 Net asset turnover 2.77 4.53 Gross profit margin 6.73 5.95 Stock days or stock turnover ratio 13 days 15 days Current ratio 0.49 0.71 Quick ratio 0.25 0.40 Ratio analysis carried on Morrison and Sainsbury for the financial year 2007 MORRISON SAINSBURY Return on capital employed (ROCE) 9.39 12.67 Net profit margin 3.12 2.98 Net asset turnover 3.01 4.24 Gross profit margin 5.37 7.33 Stock days or stock turnover ratio 11 days 13 days Current ratio 0.41 0.80 Quick ratio 0.21 0.50 RECOMMENDATIONS- Morrison should plan to work on adding non food products to their product category instead of just focusing on being food specialist in order to cope up and compete with the other rivals in the supermarket industry in UK such as Tesco, Asda etc. Morrison should focus on how to analyze its financial statements and take necessary steps and changes in order to make optimal use of its finance and other resources and to manage the capital and its liabilities efficiently. this is a digital age and thus digital technology plays an important role in the marketing of products. Thus Morrison should lay emphasis on making use of digital technology such as online shopping and make it user friendly with all the range of its products in order to attract more customers and earn more profit. Morrison should focus on providing best delivery and customer service in order to pace up with the other players in this industry CONCLUSIONS- Morrison is able to manage the entities linked with the business such as creditors and debtors effectively and efficiently Morrison had acquired Safeway limited in resulted in merger reserve, which is a reserve in the balance sheet of the firm. The directors of Morrison think that this reserve is not for distribution and rather it will be regarded as capital reserve Morrison had made donations to the charitable institutes and for the charity purpose amounting a total of 1.18 million pounds Morrisons financial statement shows a strong flow of cash

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Midsummer Nights Dream Essay - 1041 Words

William Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream utilizes the technique of multiple characters playing leading roles. The fairy character Puck stands out as a dominant and leading role in the play. Puck is the best fit for the role of the protagonist because he is mischievous and therefore, has the ability to change the outcome of the play through his schemes and actions. As the protagonist, Puck is responsible for creating the major conflict that occurs between the four lovers throughout the play. This is important because the play focuses on the lives and relationships of the lovers. In addition, because of Puck’s interaction with these characters, his actions throughout the play, alters the final outcome. Finally, Puck’s†¦show more content†¦Once the love potion is used again as an antidote in Demetrius’ eyes everything becomes reversed and he awakens to find his true love, Hermia. Puck also has another encounter with mortals by interfering with Bottom’s life. Bottom is the overdramatic and self-aggrandizing lead actor in a play that a group of amateur actors plan to perform at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. They rehearse in the forest where Bottom explains how the cast will have to reassure their audience that the lion in the play is only â€Å"pretend†. Puck overhears Bottom and decides to test the casts’ imagination by placing a real asshead on Bottom. At the same time, the fairy queen Titania was placed under the love potion’s spell and the first thing that she sees when she wakes up is Bottom who looks like an ass. By doing this, Puck creates a twist in the plot and makes the play quite comical. It is evident that Puck’s relationship with the mortals has a huge impact on the outcome of the play. Additionally, Puck’s connection to the fairies is also very unique and special. Puck has multiple interactions with his fellow fairies throughout the play; each one is individual and unique. Puck’s superiority over the other fairies is prominent in all of his encounters with them. For example, in Act 2 Scene 1 â€Å"But, room fairy! here comes Oberon† (II, I, 58). In this quote, Puck is behaving very dismissive and rude to the fairy he is talking to. In addition, Puck has developed a very notoriousShow MoreRelatedA Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1482 Words   |  6 PagesA Midsummer Night’s Dream: by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. He had married at the age of eighteen to a twenty-six year old woman named Anne Hathaway in 1582. He had a daughter named Susanna and twins, Judith and Hamnet. Hamnet, his only son, died at age eleven. Shakespeare died in April 1616. Despite the fact that Shakespeare wrote some thirty-seven plays, owned part of his theatrical company, acted in plays, and retired a relatively wealthy man in the cityRead MoreA Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1790 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† Essay â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†, one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, is generally thought of as a comical romance. A very important factor that makes the whole play a comedy, is magic, which is used to affect the lives of four Athenians: Hermia, Lysander, Helena and Demetrius. Bottom, also a simple human, falls victim of the fairies’ mischievous magic. The magic reaches these characters by Puck, a naughty fairy, and Oberon, the king of fairies. PuckRead MoreEssay The Forest in A Midsummer Night’s Dream’1122 Words   |  5 PagesOnly in the forest do women exercise power. How far do you agree with this statement? The forest in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is used as a green space, a place where the social norms don’t apply. At the time of writing, Shakespearean England was ruled by a female monarch, Queen Elizabeth the 1st who was only the 2nd queen of England in their own right. This power held by a woman at the time was not the norm, women were subservient of men. Hermia has been promised to Demetrius by her father;Read MoreEssay on A Midsummer Nights Dream: Critical Analysis3103 Words   |  13 PagesMandy Conway Mrs. Guynes English 12 16 March 2000 A Critical Analysis of quot;A Midsummer Nights Dreamquot; William Shakespeare, born in 1594, is one of the greatest writers in literature. He dies in 1616 after completing many sonnets and plays. One of which is quot;A Midsummer Nights Dream.quot; They say that this play is the most purely romantic of Shakespeares comedies. The themes of the play are dreams and reality, love and magic. This extraordinary play is a play-with-in-a-play, whichRead MoreEssay about Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream920 Words   |  4 PagesThe Power of Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream Is love controlled by human beings who love one another or is love controlled by a higher power? There are many people who believe that a higher power has control over love. An example of a higher power would be a cupid, a flying angel-type creature who is supposed to shoot arrows at people to make them fall in love. There are other people who reject the idea that a higher power controls love and that the people who experience love can controlRead MoreEssay on Love In A Midsummer Night’s Dream524 Words   |  3 PagesTrue love’s path is paved with every step. Through the assistance of fanciful elements as well as characters Puck and Oberon, the true message of love in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is revealed. The four lovers know the direction in which their hearts are inclined to turn, but when the love potion is administered, the bounds of their rectangle are thrashed without knowledge or consent. The rapid shifts in affection between the play’s â€Å"four lovers† is representative of the ideaRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essays3973 Words   |  16 PagesWilliam Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream In the following essay I am aiming to show how Lysanders claim that the course of true love never did run smooth is supported by other events in the play. A Midsummer Nights Dream was written by William Shakespeare. No one knows the exact date it was written but we know it was between 1589 and 1595. He combines romance with comedy to produce this popular story. When he was writing the play superstition aboutRead MoreExpository Essay On A Midsummer Nights Dream711 Words   |  3 PagesAbby Kuhlman L.Liebl 10A Hour 4 Expository Essay 1 Nov. 2017 Crazy in Love The famous quote You can t be wise and in love at the same time, by Bob Dylan, applies to three of the main characters in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream: Hermia, Helena, and Lysander. Reason and love are often at odds in real life, and this romantic comedy shows how these characters struggle to balance between the two. Hermia has a crazy determination to marry Lysander. Hermia is willingRead MorePassion in A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay963 Words   |  4 PagesPassion in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream may come off as a simple comedy but is a complex play with many interesting aspects. Passion, a significant characteristic, is often expressed through the play. Characters in the play show passion for different reasons; Puck passions for mischief, Helena for Demetrius’ love and Bottom for theatrics, are a few of the many examples. Passion shows much significance, being the most important characteristic in the playRead More Comparing A Midsummer Nights Dream and Romeo and Juliet Essay1176 Words   |  5 Pagesanother, two stand out from the rest as sharing a great deal in common. Specific, solid parallels can be drawn between Shakespeares plays A Midsummer Nights Dream and Romeo and Juliet. The themes and characters are remarkably similar in many aspects. Firstly, both plays highlight the stereotypical young lovers - Hermia and Lysander in A Midsummer Nights Dream and Romeo and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Secondly, bot h plays are very ambiguously categorized. By this I mean that each could have been

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Free Hamlets The Character of Ophelia Hamle Essay Example For Students

Free Hamlets: The Character of Ophelia Hamle Essay t essaysHamlet: The Character of Ophelia Ophelia is gentle, loving and beautiful. She is also obedient to her father and loyal to her family and it is this which draws her into the circle of disaster and leads to her untimely death. She is deeply in love with Hamlet and believes his tenders to be sincere, but her obedience to both her father and her brother must come first. Laertes tells her to beware of Hamlets interest as it is driven by lust, not love. He also points out the difference in their background and rightly concludes that Hamlet is not in a position, as heir to the throne to choose freely who he will marry. Polonius is also scornful of Hamlets motives and concerned that he will be discredited by Ophelias conduct. His command to her not to see Hamlet again is brutal, as is his decision to use her as a decoy to sound out the reason for Hamlets eccentric behaviour. The fact that she obeys would be quite understandable to Shakespeares audience, if not to a present day one, since filial obedience was a fundamental part of the life of the time. Note also how differently Laertes is treated by his father, compared to the lack of regard shown to Ophelia by Polonius. Women had little status, and Ophelias wishes are not considered at any time. Torn apart as she is by divided loyalty it is no wonder that the strain on her eventually leads to her madness and subsequent death. That she loves Hamlet is without question. She is distraught when she observes his behaviour before the nunnery scene, and after his savage rejection of her in that scene she laments his noble oerthrown She also grieves for herself, Oh woe is me, thave seen what I have seen, see what I see. She is sophisticated enough to understand the ways of the world, too, as we see in her dialogue with Hamlet before the mousetrap play, when she obviously understands the meaning of his bawdy remarks, and also in her quick understanding of her brothers likely conduct when he is away at school. Her madness is triggered by loss of her father, murdered by Hamlet, whom she also believes to be mad. The pathos of the mad scene is emphasised by the language of loss in some of the songs she sings and the overt sexuality of others. In fact the sentiments of Ophelia for Hamlet in the nunnery scene, are, ironically applicable to herself later in the play. Her story parallels Hamlets. They think they have both been deserted by one they love; both lose a father through murder and both go to an untimely death; both are sensitive, caring souls whose innocence is exploited by others. No character has anything evil to say about Ophelia at any time and of all the deaths which occur in the play as a result of Claudiuss original murder, hers is perhaps the most pathetic.